This May, let’s make a quick visit to the grand academy of Lyrical Monasterio! Since we last saw the idols, they have been working on their techniques and presentation on the performance stage; this new set showcases the new powers attained by the previously-introduced six Ride Lines! Furthermore, two new idols have joined the academy in hopes of becoming the best performer and wow the audience with their unique abilities!
With the Lyrical Monasterio Ride Lines making a resurgence in the Standard format soon, let’s see who has what it takes to become the strongest idol!
- New Additions!
- Coming Beauty, Herminia Ride Line
- MiMish, Fortia Ride Line
- Support for Astesice, Kairi
- Support for Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa
- Support for Archangel of Twin Wings, Alestiel
- Support for Heartfelt Song, Loronerol
- Support for Prismagica, Wilista
- Support for Rondo of Eventide Moon, Feltyrosa
- Conclusion
New Additions!
This Lyrical Booster set will introduce two new mechanics for the brand new idols: “Powerful” and “Friends”! Cards with the “Powerful” ability can activate additional effects when your vanguard has no soul, and such cards are integral to the playstyle of the Herminia deck! On the other hand, a unit with the “Friend” ability is able to make Friends with another unit in the same column, which can enable Friend-related effects! This keyword is important in the Fortia deck.
An important addition for many Lyrical Monasterio decks are the effect triggers that the other nations already have access to! The Front and Draw triggers will provide additional defense to your deck, while the Critical trigger can give an extra Power boost and regenerate soul for your card abilities!

Precious Tune, Edwige, Transparent Snowy Night, Beretoi, and Snowskip, Palvi
We also have a large variety of Lyrical Special Rare (LSR) cards in this set! From the new boss units to the effect triggers, you can get your hands on these cards featuring alternate arts of the beautiful and stunning characters!

AstesicexLive, Kairi, Coming Beauty, Herminia, and MiMish, Fortia

Precious Tune, Edwige, Transparent Snowy Night, Beretoi, and Snowskip, Palvi
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Coming Beauty, Herminia Ride Line
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Grade | Quantity |
Coming Beauty, Herminia | 3 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Attract Peach, Ertines | 2 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Sniping Eyeful, Leranje | 1 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Cutie Topic, Rabeena | 0 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Bathing Fountain, Terues | 3 | 4 |
Mya Mya Ensemble, Nala | 2 | 4 |
Burgeoning Tone, Signe | 1 | 4 |
Nonchalant and Composed, Ercilia | 1 | 3 |
Soapy Splash, Riviena (Perfect Guard) | 1 | 4 |
Blue-haired Prodigy, Receus | 1 | 4 |
Transparent Snowy Night, Beretoi (Draw) | 0 | 4 |
Wings Dancing in the Blue Skies, Antia (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Surreal Voice, Gilberta (Critical) | 0 | 3 |
Hushed Diva, Hortense (Heal) | 0 | 4 |
Demonic Fever, Garviera (Over Trigger) | 0 | 1 |

The grade 1 ride for the Herminia deck is “Sniping Eyeful, Leranje”. By paying Soul-Blast 1 and discarding a card from hand, you can draw a card! Such an effect not only allows you to cycle through your deck to find your key pieces, but it also enables Leranje’s Powerful effect!
If Powerful is active, you can ride “Attract Peach, Ertines” from your ride deck without discarding a card from your hand! Thus, you can conserve your hand and get ready for your offensive push on turn 3!

On turn 2, you can ride into “Attract Peach, Ertines”! This unit gets +2000 Power during the battle that it attacked, allowing it to form an optimal attacking column with a grade 1 8000 Power booster!
Other than this, if Powerful is active, you can ride “Coming Beauty, Herminia” from your ride deck without discarding a card from your hand! Once again, you can maintain your card advantage and prepare for next turn’s offense! Ertines can’t enter the Powerful state on her own, though, so you’ll have to use other enablers like Ercilia or Marijin.

“Coming Beauty, Herminia” is the main boss unit of the deck, crushing her foes with Powerful attacks!
Herminia’s first ability can give itself +5000 Power for the turn by paying 1 Counter-Blast. This effect can be reused multiple times in a turn to strengthen Herminia’s attack; it is integral to meeting the conditions for Herminia’s Powerful effect!
After Herminia attacks while you have no face up cards in your damage zone and no cards in your soul, you can discard a card from your hand to Stand one of your Powerful rear-guards! You also reduce the next Counter-Blast you pay for this turn to 0! Gaining an additional attack and cost reduction is quite valuable in a deck that consumes all of its resources quite frequently, so be wise to pair Herminia with strong attackers like Nala, Torues and Liliana! (Terues and Liliana are able to make use of the cost reduction that Herminia gives!)
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Support for Coming Beauty, Herminia

“Mya Mya Ensemble, Nala” does a variety of things for the Herminia deck! By calling this rear-guard during your main phase, you can call a card from your soul to an open rear-guard circle! You then discard cards based on the number of cards remaining in your soul.
You can use this effect to increase your board presence and empty your soul to activate your Powerful abilities! It also makes use of your Counter-Blast to enable Herminia’s Powerful ability as well! Given that the deck doesn’t really increase their soul count, you’ll generally use Nala to call out Ertines (which is a good attacker when paired with boosters.)
When Nala attacks a grade 3 or greater vanguard while Powerful is active, it gains +5000 Power! This effect is costless and lasts for the turn, so it’s possible for you to use Herminia and Stand Nala to activate this ability again on attack!

You could also rely on “Bathing Fountain, Terues” as a helpful fighter on the field! When this rear-guard attacks a vanguard and Powerful is active, you can Counter-Blast 1 to give this unit on-hit pressure! (you get card draw if its attack hits.) You also can buff your other units with +5000 Power!
Overall, Terues is a pressure piece that strengthens your attacking columns and forces your opponent to guard its attack to prevent you from gaining card advantage! It also can be useful in using your excess face-up damage to prepare for Herminia’s Powerful effect!

“Burgeoning Tone, Signe” is a great booster that can elevate the Power of your attacking columns! When Signe boosts, its Powerful effect allows you to buff one of your other units with +5000 Power for the turn! Like Nala and Terues, this ability can be useful to increase the number of face-down cards in your damage zone and enable Herminia’s Powerful effect!
Furthermore, after Signe boosts, if you have a vanguard with the Powerful ability, this rear-guard Stands and puts a card in your soul into your drop! Not only does this card help to enable Powerful for your other units, it also synergises with Herminia’s Stand effect! (You can Stand the attacker in front of Signe so that you can attack once more with a full column!)

Another key enabler for Powerful effects is “Nonchalant and Composed, Ercilia”! When this rear-guard attacks while your opponent has a grade 3 or greater vanguard, you can put a card in your soul into your drop and give this rear-guard +5000 Power!
When you have Powerful cards that are unable to enable the effect through their own abilities, you can utilise Ercilia to help them out! This card will be especially important on your grade 2 turn with Ertines, or when you have Lilliana on the field! (Both cards do not have a way to remove cards in your soul.)

You can rely on “Faithful Eye, Liliana” as a consistent attacker for the Herminia deck! When this rear-guard attacks while Powerful is active, you can Counter-Blast 1 to empower it with +10 000 Power! On its own, Liliana will already be able to hit optimal numbers against grade 3 and grade 4 vanguards; combine it with other buffs from Signe and Terues to let it attain higher numbers!

“Happy Tasting, Tigr” can be used for its additional defence in the deck! This guardian gains +5000 Shield if Powerful is active, allowing it to become a 10 000 Shield guardian! In a format where 10 000 Shield is hard to find on cards, Tigr offers a bit of defensive flexibility when it comes to guarding incoming attacks!
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MiMish, Fortia Ride Line
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Grade | Quantity |
MiMish, Fortia | 3 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
MiMish, Rikashenna | 2 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
MiMish, Azhachir | 1 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
MiMish, Tubbylila | 0 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Leeway of Seniority, Altariel | 3 | 3 |
Hoppin’ Stellar, Melty | 2 | 4 |
Cheshire Smile, Larisa | 2 | 4 |
Sound in the Wind, Ducayla | 1 | 4 |
After School as Always, Yulia | 1 | 2 |
Earnest Stare, Ivetta | 1 | 4 |
Soapy Splash, Riviena (Perfect Guard) | 1 | 4 |
Precious Tune, Edwige (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Wings Dancing in the Blue Skies, Antia (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Snowskip, Palvi (Front) | 0 | 3 |
Sigh of Relief, Fabiola (Heal) | 0 | 4 |
Greatest Star, Esteranza (Over Trigger) | 0 | 1 |
Vibrant Symphony (Blitz Order) | 2 | 2 |

“MiMish, Azhachir” is an important grade 1 ride for the Fortia deck! You’ll notice that most of Fortia’s support has the Friend keyword: if there is another unit in the same column as the unit with the Friend ability, both units become “Friends”!
Other than the Friend ability, when Azhachir is rode upon by Rikashenna, you can call this card to the field! Not only does this increase your board presence, it also allows both Azhachir and Rikashenna to become “Friends”! (This is provided that Azhachir is called behind Rikashenna; such a play will help to set up Rikashenna’s Friend-related effect!)

Going into turn 2, you’ll be using “MiMish, Rikashenna” as your vanguard! Like Azhachir, Rikashenna also has the Friend effect!
If you have another “Friend”, Rikashenna’s effect allows you to ride Fortia from your ride deck without discarding a card from your hand! You’ll probably have Azhachir called behind Rikashenna to have both units become “Friends” to enable this, so most of the time you can ride Fortia freely and maintain card advantage!

The main vanguard of the deck “MiMish, Fortia” unites all of her Friends together to achieve victory!
As usual, Fortia has the same Friend effect as Azhachir and Rikashenna, becoming “Friends” with any rear-guard that is in the same column as it!
After Fortia attacks while you have five or more other “Friends”, you can Counter-Blast 1 and discard a card from your hand to Stand this vanguard and give it +5000 Power/drive -1! This effect can draw comparisons to Dragonic Overlord’s Stand effect, but Fortia’s does not require its attack to hit and also gains additional Power! Of course, you’ll need a full board of “Friends” to utilize its effect, but thankfully it’s very easy to achieve this.
Support for MiMish, Fortia

If you want to find more “Friends” in your deck, you can rely on “Hoppin’ Stellar, Melty”! Like the cards in the Ride Line, Melty also has the Friend effect! (However, its Friend effect is limited to rear-guard circles that it is on.)
When Melty enters the field during your main phase, you can call a card with grade equal to or less than your vanguard from your hand to the field! If you called a unit, you draw a card! Not only do you increase your board presence with more Friends, you also draw through your deck further for more key pieces!

“Motivation, Aplenty! Arlette” is an interesting attacker for the Fortia deck! It also has the same Friend ability like Melty; furthermore, after it attacks while you have three or more other “Friends”, you can return this card to your hand!
This may be helpful against decks that can disrupt your board, as you’ll be able to save this attacker from their removal effects! You can then still have a rear-guard that can make Friends with your other units on a future turn!

“Sound in the Wind, Ducayla” helps you to go through your deck further to find your Friends! When your unit with the Friend ability is placed in the same column as this rear-guard, if you have three or more other “Friends”, you can pay the cost to draw a card!
With how easy it is to gather your Friends on the board, you can be sure that Ducayla’s effect will usually be active! If this card remains on the board for more than one turn, you’ll be able to cycle through your deck quite quickly!

An important attacker in the Fortia deck is “Cheshire Smile, Larisa”! Other than the conventional “Friend” ability, when Larisa attacks while your opponent has a grade 3 or greater vanguard, it gains +2000 Power for each of your other “Friends”!
With a full board of “Friends”, Larisa can hit a maximum of 18 000 Power on its own! You can then combine it with helpful boosters like Ivetta to hit optimal numbers!

You could also consider “Leeway of Seniority, Altariel”, “After School as Always, Yulia” and “Earnest Stare, Ivetta” to empower your offensive strength! Altariel gains “Boost” if it is a “Friend”, while Yulia gains +5000 Power if it boosts another “Friend”! Both rear-guards would require a unit with the “Friend” ability in front of them, but they will be able to form effective attacking columns (especially when combined with Melty, Larisa and Ivetta.) Altariel offers more offensive flexibility in scenarios that you have to attack with it, whereas Yulia can provide additional Shield when you need to defend!

Ivetta offers +2000 Power if you have another Friend on the board. While it does not offer similar amounts of Power that Altariel and Yulia can, it is another card that can become Friends with cards that can’t make Friends by themselves! (Ducayla, Altariel and Yulia can all become active.) Furthermore, Ivetta can be used early in the game as a good attacker, before transitioning to a booster when Fortia enters the field. All three of these cards are able to raise the Power of your attacking columns easily, but they have their intricate niches that you can consider for your Fortia deck!
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Support for Astesice, Kairi

With her mesmerizing looks, Kairi surges to the next level! “AstesicexLive, Kairi” unites the Astesice idol group to unleash a torrent of attacks!
Like the grade 4s revealed in D Booster Set 04: Awakening of Chakrabarthi, this card can only be active on the field from turn 4 onwards; however, you’ll enjoy the additional Triple Drive this vanguard provides for the rest of the game!
Kairi’s first ability buffs all of your rear-guards placed during that turn with +5000 Power! Regardless of when they are called (whether during the main phase or battle phase), your attacking columns will be strengthened significantly!
Kairi’s second ability combines both of its grade 3 variants’ abilities, while having a reduced cost! When this vanguard attacks while you have a “Kairi” card in your soul, you can bounce up to two of your rear-guards to hand and call two cards from your hand to the field! (The original “Astesice, Kairi” required you to Soul-Blast 1 to return your rear-guards to hand, and also needed you to persona ride that turn in order to enable more than 3 attacks.)
Not only does this help to increase the number of attacks for the turn, it also allows you to activate on-place abilities that can bolster your board! (For example, units called to the field will benefit from Kairi’s first ability; “Next Step, Laplume” can also be activated to increase your board presence during the battle phase!)

“Next Step, Laplume” is an impactful support that has great board building capabilities for the Astesice deck! When this rear-guard enters the field while you have an “Astesice” vanguard, you can call a grade 2 or less “Astesice” in your soul to an open rear-guard circle as Rest! However, you can Stand that called rear-guard if Laplume was called during your battle phase!
Laplume’s strength lies in using your soul to increase your board presence for free! By calling this card during your battle phase, it can target cards in your soul like “Astesice, Kiyora” (which is part of the Kairi Ride Line) to be reused as a strong attacker! It could also be helpful during the main phase by providing an additional rear-guard to be bounced to hand by Kairi’s effect!

“Bashful Striver, Kinkee” has utility and offense packed into one card! By calling this rear-guard, you can put a grade 2 or less “Astesice” normal unit in your drop into your soul! If you do, you can pay the cost to give it an additional +10 000 Power!
Aside from its significant power gain, Kinkee has great synergy with other Astesice support! By returning an “Astesice” card in your drop to soul, you’ll have an additional target for Laplume’s effect to build your board. Furthermore, Kinkee helps to fuel soul in case you ever require it for your effects! (For example, if you’re activating grade 3 Kairi’s bounce effect.)

Providing defense is what “Elegance Moment, Loppil” can do! When placed as a guardian (whether from hand or from intercepting), you can reveal a “Kairi” card in your hand to give this guardian an additional +10 000 Shield for that battle!
Effectively, this card becomes a 15 000 Shield defender for close to no cost! If this card is on the field, your opponent will be forced to remove it! Of course, you’ll need to run quite a number of Kairi cards in order to ensure the consistency of this effect, but thankfully this deck is one that benefits from running copies of both grade 3 and grade 4 Kairi in the main deck!

An attacker to consider is “Permeating Kindness, Paline”! By calling this rear-guard during your battle phase, it gains an additional +5000 Power!
This card’s use lies in its free attack Power gain to become a strong fighter! Furthermore, it’ll be able to benefit from the buff that grade 4 Kairi can confer onto it. Combine it with a grade 1 8000 Power attacker, and you can see it hitting optimal numbers to force more guard out of your opponent!

“Conspicuous Anxiety, Kaadya” is another hard-hitter for your Kairi deck! By calling this rear-guard while you have an “Astesice” vanguard, it gains a significant +10 000 Power!
Comparing this card to Paline, both cards help your attacking columns hit high optimal numbers easily! While Kaadya has a lower base 5000 Power as opposed to Paline’s 10 000 base Power, it provides more offensive strength given its versatility in effect. Paline’s prowess is clear when it is called during the battle phase, but Kaadya shines even during the main phase!
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Support for Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa

To boost the consistency of your Clarissa deck, you can rely on “Definite Growth, Rugena”! After this rear-guard boosts an “Earnescorrect” unit while you have a “Clarissa” vanguard, you can Soul-Blast 1 and retire this rear-guard to search for a grade 3 or less “Earnescorrect” card and add it to your hand!
This card can be useful in grabbing a copy of “Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa” for Persona Ride the following turn, but it can also be used to obtain any other “Earnescorrect” units that you’re missing to activate “Aim to be the Strongest Idol!” Do note that you can still use this card even before you ride up to grade 3 Clarissa, so you start preparing early!

With great utility and rear-guard protection, “Detour Together, Elvi” is an interesting consideration! Should this grade 3 be on a front row rear-guard circle, your rear-guards with different card names as this unit cannot be targeted by your opponent’s effects! Such an effect allows your “Earnescorrect” rear-guards to be immune to your opponent’s removal effects! (Of course, removing Elvi or using board wipe abilities will counteract this.) As such, your opponent will be forced to commit resources to getting rid of Elvi on the field to deal with your “Earnescorrect” rear-guards.
Other than this, when Elvi’s attack hits a vanguard, you may Counter-Charge 1! With the pressure that both “Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa” and “Earnescorrect Member, Katalyn” exert on the field, your opponent may be more likely to guard those attacks and let Elvi’s go through to gain more face-up damage.

Another defensive option to look into is “Along with Smiles, Geezya”! As a guardian, she gives your other “Earnescorrect” units an additional +10 000 Shield, and also prevents your “Earnescorrect” rear-guards from being hit!
If you’re ever up against a high-powered attack, you can always use Geezya to bolster your defenses with your other “Earnescorrect” defenders! You could even use your grade 3 Clarissa as a guardian!
In the mirror matchup, you can use Geezya to effectively prevent your opponent’s three-pronged attack from hitting your other “Earnescorrect” rear-guards! It could also be particularly effective against Dragonic Overlord players, but you’ll need Geezya on the field to intercept (since Dragonic Overlord disallows you to guard from hand when attacking a rear-guard.)

Like Rugena, “Key to Intimacy, Cucca” helps with consistently getting to your “Earnescorrect” pieces! If you have a “Clarissa” vanguard, you can Soul-Blast 1 and retire this rear-guard to call a grade 2 or less “Earnescorrect” card from the top seven cards of your deck to an open rear-guard circle!
Though this card can only be used from turn 3 onwards, it is still quite helpful in swarming your board with your key “Earnescorrect” supporters! Cucca also removes herself from the board so that you can call other important rear-guards to the field! If you want to maximize seeing your “Earnescorrect” cards for this effect, do run them in higher quantities in your main deck!

“Natural Chirp, Melria” helps to recycle your key Order cards for Clarissa! By having five or more different “Earnescorrect” units on the board, you can Rest this rear-guard to put an Order card in your drop into your hand, and return this card to the bottom of the deck!
If you ever run out of “Aim to be the Strongest Idol!”, you can rely on Melria to grab a copy in your drop and instantly set up your offense! Furthermore, Melria is also versatile in that she can obtain other types of Orders in your drop for usage! (For example, this card can fetch a “Vibrant Symphony” for bulky defence!)

You could look into “Pouring Expectation, Ilta” to strengthen your offense! When this rear-guard attacks a vanguard while you have a “Clarissa” vanguard, you can give your vanguard and this attacker +5000 Power! After Ilta attacks, you can return this card to the bottom of your deck!
Ilta can be helpful in establishing an aggressive offense from the beginning of the game, as she can also be used with your grade 2 Clarissa! Furthermore, she removes herself from the board to prevent any further interference from enemy units and frees up a rear-guard circle for your other card effects the following turn!

If you ever run out of “Earnescorrect” units, you can rely on “Radiance Pride, Irmeli” to recycle them! By paying Soul-Blast 1 and retiring this rear-guard, you can return two non-grade 1 normal units in your drop to your deck and shuffle it!
After returning your “Earnescorrect” units (you can specifically target Evelyn, Katalyn and grade 3 Clarissa), you can utilize Cucca to potentially call them to the field again! (Ideally, your deck size should be small enough so that Cucca can effectively call them to the field.) Even if you don’t have any “Earnescorrect” units to return to deck, you can utilize this to put other supporting cards back into deck, or increase your deck size if you’re close to losing by deck out.
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Support for Archangel of Twin Wings, Alestiel

“Privilege Potential, Phenael” is a phenomenal card that poses great promise for the Alestiel deck! When this rear-guard enters the field while you have an “Alestiel” vanguard, you can Soul-Blast 1 to swap a card in your bind zone and hand!
This amazing effect has huge implications for the Alestiel deck. This allows you to fetch any card in your bind zone outside of grade 3 Alestiel’s effect (whether it be an Over Trigger, offensive pieces or Persona Ride copies.) You can also change the grade of the card in your bind zone to enable your alternate Wings effects!
Furthermore, should you use this card to bind “Incessant Vocal, Elkel”, you’ll be able to instantly utilize both White Wings and Black Wings! Now, you’ll have more opportunities to enjoy double Wing synergies throughout the game!
On top of all this, when Phenael attacks a vanguard while Black Wings is active, you can Counter-Blast 1 to deduct 5000 Power from your opponent’s grade 3 or greater vanguard! By weakening your opponent’s vanguard, you can further pressure your opponent by forcing more Shield out of their hand! Your back row attacker “Aim for the Horizon, Piael” will also have enough Power to hit your opponent’s vanguard!

To deal with the soul requirements of many Alestiel support cards, we can rely on “Enveloping Compassion, Torquel”! When this rear-guard attacks while White Wings is active, it gains a significant +10 000 Power for that battle. After it attacks, it goes into your soul!
Simply put, this card converts itself from a powerful attacker into an additional soul to be used for your other card abilities! With cards like Phenael and Baruel becoming more prominent due to their Power reduction effects on your opponent’s vanguard, Torquel will become a key rear-guard that supplants the deck’s aggressive playstyle!

With “Aim for the Horizon, Piael”, Alestiel has the capabilities to break free from its three-attack pattern! If Black Wings is active and you have an “Alestiel” vanguard, this rear-guard can attack your opponent’s grade 3 or greater vanguard from the back row!
On its own, Piael may not have the power to hit your opponent’s vanguard; however, by combining it with cards like Phenael and Baruel (and grade 3 Alestiel), it will have sufficient Power to hit your opponent’s vanguard (given that your opponent’s vanguard base Power would be significantly diminished.) Unleash a barrage of attacks with multiple copies of this unit from the back row together with your front row attackers against a weakened opponent!

“Spokesperson of Heavenly Voice, Herjuel” is an impactful rear-guard that helps to increase your board presence further! By calling this card from your hand during your main phase, you can Counter-Blast 1 to call a different card with the White Wings ability from your drop to an open rear-guard circle!
Herjuel’s utility lies in allowing you to reuse your helpful White Wings cards in your drop! You could call a Torquel to the field for its high attack and soul regeneration capabilities, or you could call an Erimuel to set up a deadly offense (provided you already have a board full of odd grade cards.) You could even call an Elkel to the board to activate her Double Wing effect the following turn! With a large pool of impactful White Wing units, you will be spoilt for choice on who to call when using Herjuel.

A card with offensive and defensive capabilities is “Blessed Ray of Clear Skies, Rahsiel”! Should White Wings be active, this unit gains +5000 Power during your turn, and gains “Intercept” and +5000 Shield on your opponent’s turn!
This card has a similar effect compared to Bibbuel, but has greater offensive prowess and defensive flexibility! You could definitely utilize Herjuel to recall this rear-guard to the field after it was retired the previous turn if you need a versatile attacker and defender in a White Wing focused deck!

In a Black Wings focused deck, you will definitely need “Wings of Notables, Elnael”! When this card enters the field while Black Wings is active, you can Soul-Charge 2! With many Black Wing cards that require soul for their card abilities (like Baruel and Phenael), Elmael helps to supply the soul needed to consistently reduce your opponent’s vanguard’s base Power every turn!

If you ever need more defense in your deck, you could consider “Song of Salvation, Tulael”! This guardian gains a hefty +10 000 Shield if White Wings is active, so you’ll be able to commit less cards from your hand to guard against high-powered attacks! To ensure that this card can be a consistent defender, it’s quite important for you to ensure that you are on White Wings or activate Elkel for double Wing usage!

“Awaiting Smile, Maruel” could be an interesting option for your Black Wing focused deck! After this rear-guard boosts while Black Wings is active, you can return it to hand!
You’ll be able to commit multiple copies of this card in your back row to rush your opponent with high-powered attacking columns early in the game, and bounce them back to hand to regain some defensive Shield value! Furthermore, binding this card (perhaps due to Alestiel’s or Phenael’s effects) will activate Black Wings, given that Maruel is a grade 0!
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Support for Heartfelt Song, Loronerol

On top of the benefits that singing Songs bring, you can use “Symphonic Sky, Lyudmila” to extend the lead over your opponent! After this rear-guard boosted, you can Soul-Blast 1 and perform all of the effects based on the Songs sung that turn!
By singing “Romantic Happiness”, you can strengthen one of your units with +5000 Power, boosting the potency of your attacking columns!
If you sung “Six-Flower Fractale” this turn, you can discard a card from hand to draw a card, allowing you to cycle through your deck further for key pieces!
By singing “Twilight Sound of Waves”, you can gain information about the top card of your deck! (This can be helpful for preparing your drive checks or deciding whether to use Lyudmila’s “Six-Flower Fractale” effect.)
Finally, singing “Madder Red Runway” enables you to bounce this card to hand for extra defense during your opponent’s turn! (or use it as discard fodder for Lyudmila’s “Six-Flower Fractale” effect!)
With how easy it is to accumulate Songs over the first three turns of the game (given that the Loronerol Ride Line actively searches out Songs from your deck), you can be sure to at least activate three of these effects by the time grade 3 Loronerol is on the field!

An important consistency piece for the Loronerol deck is “Grazioso Prince, Meredith”! When this rear-guard’s attack hits a vanguard, you can add an Order card from the top seven cards of your deck to your hand!
“Six-Flower Fractale” is a key offensive piece in the Loronerol deck, and that’s why it’s crucial to get it activated as soon as you hit grade 3! By committing Meredith to the field as early as possible, you’ll increase your chances of finding a copy in your deck to immediately play on your following turn! Even if you have already secured your copies of “Six-Flower Fractale” in hand, Meredith can be effective in pressuring your opponent as they would be inclined to block its attack.

If you need strong attackers in your Loronerol deck, you can utilize “Hasty Panic, Floortje” and “Authentic Melody, Esmeralda”! Floortje gains a nice +5000 Power if “Six-Flower Fractale” was sung during your turn, while Esmeralda gains a significant +10 000 Power when it attacks if “Madder Red Runway” was sung that turn!
Both cards will be able to hit 18 000 Power and form effective attacking columns easily! Esmeralda might have greater defensive value due to having Shield and the ability to Intercept; on the other hand, Floortje’s effect will be easier to attain every turn as you’ll be singing “Six-Flower Fractale” every turn as compared to “Madder Red Runway” during subsequent grade 3 turns. It depends mostly on what you consider defensive flexibility or offensive consistency to be more valuable in your Loronerol deck!
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Support for Prismagica, Wilista

Thanks to “Scintillate Rays, Ophelia”, Wilista’s offensive ceiling is raised greatly! After your vanguard named “Prismagica, Wilista” attacked, you can perform the following effects based on the cards that you Soul-Blast for your vanguard’s ability or played this turn!
If “Truehearted Ruby” was played or Soul-Blast, Ophelia gains a significant +15 000 Power for the turn! This effect essentially guarantees that this rear-guard will be a dominant fighter for the duration that it is on the board!
If you played or Soul-Blast “Everlasting Sapphire”, you can Counter-Blast 1 and return a back row center rear-guard to your deck to Stand this rear-guard, and shuffle your deck! It’s clear that an extra attack on your opponent is quite beneficial for Wilista, especially with the extra Power from Gems and Wilista’s effects.
Combine both of these effects together, and you will see that Ophelia will become even stronger after Standing again! You can also stack trigger effects from your drive checks onto this rear-guard, so it will definitely be a pain for your opponent to deal with!

If you’re trying to find the Gems in your deck, you can use “Challenge to Self, Trudle”! When this is discarded from your deck or hand during your turn while you have a “Wilista” vanguard, you can Counter-Blast 1 to add a Gem card from your deck or drop into your hand!
Trudle’s versatility is quite obvious. Its effect can be activated when you discard it from hand (like from riding from ride deck, activating “Truehearted Ruby” or Katina), or when you discard it from deck (from “Everlasting Sapphire”). Furthermore, the card gives you the option of choosing to grab Gems in your drop or from your deck! Depending on the cards dealt to you, you’ll still have the opportunity to utilize Trudle in almost any situation! If you need to find a different type of Gem that you currently do not have, you can search your deck to obtain it; if you’re trying to sustain for the long game you can grab a Gem from your drop instead!

While simple, “Pure and Proper, Yakomina” could be helpful in raising your deck’s offensive Power! This rear-guard gains “Boost” if you played an Order this turn; knowing how often Wilista can play Gems every turn, it’s quite easy to rely on this card as a booster for your other important attackers! (Like Ophelia, Ottilie and grade 3 Wilista herself.)

An attacker that you could consider is “Intercommunicating Gaze, Feodora”. If you have a “Wilista” vanguard, you can return a Gem card in your drop to the bottom of your deck to give this rear-guard a helpful +5000 Power for the turn! After using Wilista’s Soul-Blast ability, you can then reuse the Soul-Blast Gems to beef up Feodora’s Power! These Gems can potentially be re-obtained in your hand with other consistency cards like Trudle and “Truehearted Ruby”.

“Shiny Coat, Marucia” is another offensive piece that you could consider! If your drop has three or more Gems, this rear-guard gains +5000 Power during your turn! Using Wilista’s Soul-Blast abilities consistently every turn will help to increase the Gem count in your drop and ensure that Marucia can be a useful booster for your attacking columns!
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Support for Rondo of Eventide Moon, Feltyrosa

“Canon of Overlaid-spinning, Dietlinde” is a great card that can set up your board and raise your offensive potential! By calling this rear-guard while your vanguard is “Rondo of Eventide Moon, Feltyrosa”, you can Soul-Blast 1 to call a <Ghost> normal unit other than a card with this card name in your drop to an open rear-guard circle!
During the main phase, Dietlinde can be called to build a board with specific <Ghost> rear-guards in your drop! (For example, you could call Ingrid to regenerate face up damage, or Edelgard/Eleonore as a key attacker.) On the other hand, Dietlinde can be called during the battle phase by grade 3 Feltyrosa’s ability to call specific attackers in your drop to the field and conserve Counter-Blast for other effects.
After this rear-guard attacks, it is returned to the bottom of the deck to open up a rear-guard circle for Feltyrosa’s superior call effect! Overall, Dietlinde helps to ensure Feltyrosa’s game plan can be executed turn after turn.

“Eternally Indistinguishable Aubade, Irene” is a helpful booster that furthers your game plan for Feltyrosa! By boosting a <Ghost> rear-guard, it gains +2000 Power for that battle. When that battle ends, you can return that boosted rear-guard to the bottom of your deck!
Such an effect is essential in forming optimal attacking columns with your 13 000 Power grade 3 rear-guards, but it is also useful in opening up rear-guard circles to prepare for Feltyrosa’s superior call effect! A key card to combo Irene with is Edelgard, as Edelgard is unable to remove itself from the board after attacking.

An important resource generator for the Feltyrosa deck is “Wraith Embrace, Betina”! When another <Ghost> is placed on another rear-guard circle in the same column as this rear-guard, you can put a “Feltyrosa” card in your drop into your soul!
With Betina, you can freely Soul-Blast your “Feltyrosa” cards in soul for your card abilities (Eleonore and Dietlinde should come to mind), knowing that Betina will help to regenerate your soul again! With other cards like Anneliese to help fuel soul effects, Feltyrosa players can use this resource without worry!

“Fingertips that Uplift Hearts, Edelgard” is an attacker that you could consider using! When this rear-guard attacks, it gains +2000 for every other <Ghost> rear-guards! With a full field of <Ghost> units, Edelgard will be able to gain a maximum of +8000 Power to attack with 21 000 Power!
Of course, it doesn’t open up a rear-guard circle for Feltyrosa’s superior call effect; that’s why you can use Irene to boost Edelgard to form a 31 000 Power attacking column, and send this rear-guard to the bottom of the deck to raise your offensive ceiling that turn!
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This set is a breath of fresh air for many of our Lyrical Monasterio decks; we’ve seen them gain new tools to defeat their opponents, or improve their consistency to achieve their win condition! The two new decks are also very interesting mechanic-wise, adding a new layer of complexity to the Standard format! Don’t miss out on this set, now on sale!