World Column - Selseera's Library of Secret Records
005 [Aurora Battle Princess]Read MoreAgents cloaked with Intergalactic weaponry “Aurora Flame” [Read More]
004 [Sylvan Horned Beasts and Lettia Great Canyon]Read MoreThe Northern Great Forest where sylvan horned beasts resides[Read More]
003 [Cloud Knights]Read MoreThe guardians of law of Keter Sanctuary[Read More]
002 [Diabolos]Read MoreThe rowdy brothers of Planet Cray[Read More]
001 [Red Dawn Manor]Read MoreDragon Empire, and the oldest temple in the world[Read More]
000 [Prologue: The Mage and the Disciple]Read MoreThe journey of Selseera the Mage, and Arius the Disciple [Read More]