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BSF2016 Asia-Oceania Continental Finals
Interview with the Champion Team
Champion Team: TC PURI B

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The Bushiroad Spring Fest (BSF) 2016 is approaching its end. 2 weeks ago at C3 CharaExpo 2016 in Singapore, the Asia-Oceania region held its Continental Finals. The best teams gathered together in the garden city from every Asia-Oceania Regional Qualifier, to earn the title of Asia-Oceania Champion Team.
Indonesians have consistently showed their strength in Cardfight!! Vanguard, with the World Champions from 2 consecutive Bushiroad World Championships all emerging from Indonesia. This time, it is again an Indonesian team, TC PURI B, that has topped the Cardfight!! Vanguard Team League in Asia-Oceania!
We are very honored to have the team members of TC PURI B for an interview after the event. Let’s hear what they have to say!
Top 8 Bracket

Team TC Puri B
Joel Andrew Suryadi
Auriel Abraham Karlam
Christopher Jeremy
Champion Team
BSF2016 Indonesia (Jakarta) Regional Qualifier
4th Place Winning Team
BSF2016 Singapore Regional Qualifier
Champion Team
BSF2016 Asia-Oceania Continental Finals
Congratulation on the victory! How does it feel to be crowned Continental Champion?
Christopher: We’re really proud! We actually lost our first two rounds, but we came out Champion finally.
How would you comment on your battles against other National Champions just now?
Auriel: Many of them are very difficult. We’re really lucky, since other players were really strong. Obviously, it’s continental level…
Joel: Luck is on our side today.
Can you share how the team formed?
Auriel: Our store has regulars of about 12 people, split into four teams. And we’re really glad that three out of four are here today, made the cut for Continentals, and we won!
Is this your first time coming to Singapore?
Christopher: No, actually we come here quite often.
Joel: Almost every summer.
So, what do you plan to do after this?
Auriel: Uhmm… we’ll go back and… let me see…
Joel: Eat, eat! We are going to celebrate!
Auriel: Yes, and maybe we will go to the Universal Studios tomorrow.
Do you have a favorite card?
Joel: Star-vader, Chaos Breaker Dragon
Auriel: Chronojet Dragon
Christopher: Sanctuary Guard Dragon
If you have one team in the animation you’d like to challenge, who would it be?
Christopher: Q4!
Auriel: For me it’s TRY3, I think.
Joel: Ibuki! I’d love to fight him and any of his teams. Firstly Team Demise of the United Sanctuary!
Any developments you wish to happen in the game, or in the anime?
Auriel: We hope for Cardfight!! Vanguard to develop into a game where being a professional player is possible. It’s already happening in other card games, so I think it’s not impossible. It may not be in a very near future, but yeah, I’d like to be hopeful.
Do you have any tips for other players who want to play better?
Christopher: You need luck! (laughs)
Joel: Play a lot. Play with someone stronger than you. Watch strong people play and you may pick up some skills.
Do you have anything else you wish to say?
Joel: Thank you for all our friends and family for supporting us!
Auriel: To everyone back in Indonesia, also our friends in social media, thank you. This win is for you!
Christopher: Thank you, my ‘chicken luck’!
Thank you for your time, Team TC Puri B, and congratulations again for your victory! Hope to see you at our future events!
With this, the Asia-Oceania circuit of Bushiroad Spring Fest 2016 has officially ended! Thank you everyone for joining our events!
Meanwhile, in this weekend, we are going to conclude this year’s Spring Fest in Europe and North America as well! In Europe, winning teams from the Europe Regional Qualifiers will join together in Düsseldorf on 23rd July for the Continental Finals! In North America, besides the Continental Finals, on July 23 at Pasadena Convention Center, California, we will also beholding a Bushiroad Fan Meeting with a variety of fun activities for Cardfight!! Vanguard, Weiss Schwarz and Future Card Buddyfight. Teaching sessions will also be available for Luck & Logic and Ascendants of Aetheros. Meanwhile, don’t forget to check out the Love Live! Exhibition Corner as well!
This marks the the end of this week’s column, and see you again next Friday!

Junior Columnist
Like many generation Y Yuppies and Millennials, the only thing that’s predictable about Kohai is her unpredictability. Always behind the lens on Bushiroad events in the hunt of ludicrous moments which unfortunately always turn out blur. She is just a junior after all…

The Cardfighter’s Column publishes every Friday, featuring Cardfight!! Vanguard news, card insights, event updates and more!
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