[V-EB10] The Mysterious Fortune

Full Cavalier Dragon
Normal Unit
Gold Paladin
Cosmo Dragon
United Sanctuary
Grade 3
Power 12000
Critical 1
Shield -
Twin Drive
[ACT](VC/RC)[1/turn]:[COST][Soul-Blast 1], look at the top card of your deck, call it to (RC), and one of your vanguards gets [Power] +5000 until end of turn.
The key to a cavalry assault is speed and coordination.
Found in the following Products
12-20-2019 | [V-EB10] The Mysterious Fortune | Card List Product Page |
[Full Cavalier Dragon] is used in the follow Deck Recipes
Legend of the Battlefield |
Bushiroad Spring Fest Online 2021 - Cardfight!! Vanguard V-Premium Format (EU) - |
Twisted Insane Hero |