Deck Recipe

Dragconnector, Grhyaundra

Human and Dragon, Gryh and Aundra, comes together in this pair to stand against fierce opponents in this Dragconnector, Gryhyaundra deck!
Call 2 ride line cards, "Unison Dragon, Aundra" and "Dragritter of Flame Blade, Grhy" with the ability of your vanguard, attack with a called Aundra in the back row and strive for a 4 attack turn!

Check out these featured cards!

Dragconnector, Grhyaundra

Dragconnector, Grhyaundra
At the beginning of your main phase, by resting this unit, call up to one grade 2 or less "Grhy" card and up to one grade 2 or less "Aundra" from soul, and this unit gets "At the end of the battle your "Aundra" rear-guard attacked, by putting the Aundra card that attacked and Grhy into soul, stand this unit, and all of your front row units get Power +10000! The ride line "Grhy" card grants an "Aundra" rear-guard in the back row the ability to attack from said back row, so by attacking first with Aundra from the back row, you can restand your Grhyaundra vanguard, and grant 10000 Power to your front row units!
With this, you can easily achieve a potent four attack turn!


Choose one of your vanguards, and until end of turn, it gets "When this unit stands, all of your front row units get Power +10000."!
Play this order, and synergize with your vanguard's ability and have your front row units get an astonishing 20000 Power!

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