CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD overDress is the latest iteration of the decade-old franchise “Cardfight!! Vanguard”. Recently, D Booster Set 03: Advance of Intertwined Stars was released, introducing three new ride lines for Dark States, Brandt Gate and Stoicheia, as well as support for other existing ride lines! Once again, thank you for your commitment and dedication to this game! We hope that you will continue to play and enjoy Vanguard, in whatever capacity possible.
Now, let’s take a close look at this special set! D Title Booster and Trial Deck 01: Touken Ranbu -ONLINE- 2021 is coming to you on January 21st, and it will have a vast array of familiar characters from the popular game Touken Ranbu -ONLINE-. With 5 new ride lines, you can take on the prestigious role of “Saniwa”, leading these famous swordsmen to fight for victory and protect history!
- Special Features!
- Kashuu Kiyomitsu Ride Line
- Kasen Kanesada Ride Line
- Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Ride Line
- Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Ride Line
- Hachisuka Kotetsu Ride Line
- Other Cards
- Conclusion
Special Features!
This special collaboration includes many new features to Vanguard! Firstly, there is the introduction of unique Over Triggers that are also Normal Orders! These Over Triggers all have the same ability, but they have unique arts for each of the Touken Ranbu ride lines!

Kashuu Kiyomitsu Shinken Hissatsu, Kasen Kanesada Shinken Hissatsu, Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Shinken Hissatsu, Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Shinken Hissatsu, and Hachisuka Kotetsu Shinken Hissatsu
We also have alternate rarities for every Touken Ranbu card in these two sets: Super Special Rare (SSR) and Touken Ranbu Rare (TRR)! These cards come in special prints and are extremely difficult to find, so you’ll be very lucky to see one in your booster pack and trial deck!
SSR Card Images:

Kashuu Kiyomitsu Shinken Hissatsu, Kasen Kanesada Shinken Hissatsu, Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Shinken Hissatsu, Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Shinken Hissatsu, and Hachisuka Kotetsu Shinken Hissatsu
TRR Card Images:

Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame, Kasen Kanesada Kiwame, Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiwame, Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame, and Hachisuka Kotetsu Kiwame
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Kashuu Kiyomitsu Ride Line
The first ride line that we’ll look into is the one for Kashuu Kiyomitsu! By looking at the top card of your deck frequently and using your Counter-Blast frequently, you’re able to formulate a powerful attack strategy to overwhelm your opponent!
The cards in this deck are available in the D Title Trial Deck 01: Touken Ranbu -ONLINE- 2021, so be sure to get your hands on that and the Title Booster to build this deck!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Grade | Quantity |
Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame | 3 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Kashuu Kiyomitsu Toku | 2 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Kashuu Kiyomitsu Sentou | 1 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Kashuu Kiyomitsu | 0 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Ishikirimaru | 3 | 3 |
Mikazuki Munechika | 2 | 3 |
Shokudaikiri Mitsutada | 2 | 3 |
Yamatonokami Yasusada | 2 | 4 |
Heshikiri Hasebe | 2 | 3 |
Monoyoshi Sadamune | 1 | 4 |
Hyuuga Masamune | 1 | 3 |
Hakusanyoshimitsu (Perfect Guard) | 1 | 4 |
Atsushi Toushirou (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Gotou Toushirou (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Hakata Toushirou (Draw) | 0 | 3 |
Gokotai (Heal) | 0 | 4 |

“Kashuu Kiyomitsu” is one of the famous Touken Danshi in Touken Ranbu -ONLINE-. However, as a grade 0 First Vanguard it wields similar power compared to other starting vanguards. As you progress in the game by riding, Kashuu Kiyomitsu will also power up!

By riding up, Kashuu Kiyomitsu ranks up as “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Sentou”! By riding over this vanguard with “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Toku”, you can look at the top card of your deck, and put it on top of your deck or into your soul!
This gives you more information about the top card of your deck, so you could leave triggers or key pieces on the top of your deck to drive check! You could also increase your soul count for other card abilities.
As a rear-guard, “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Sentou” also gains a small +2000 Power buff, which could be helpful in forming ideal attacking columns!

Kashuu Kiyomitsu continues to strengthen as “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Toku”! When this vanguard is rode upon by “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame”, you can add a “Yamatonokami Yasusada” from your deck to your hand!
This simple ability allows you to increase your card advantage while adding a crucial key piece to help in your offensive the moment you ride up!
Other than this, “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Toku” gains an additional +2000 Power as a rear-guard. This could be the small burst of Power needed to form optimal numbers with your attacks!

Kashuu Kiyomitsu reaches its final form as “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame”! By having no face up cards in your damage zone, this vanguard further powers up by gaining +10 000 Power! This unique playstyle allows you to still have a powerful vanguard attack even when you’re out of Counter-Blast!
Other than this, you can Counter-Blast 1 and Soul-Blast 1 to look at the top card of your deck, put it on the top or bottom of your deck, and draw a card! Essentially, this card incorporates a selective card draw into your deck! If it’s a key piece, you can instantly add it to hand; if it’s not something you need currently, you can just send it to the bottom of your deck for later and cycle through your deck to potentially obtain another key piece.

“Hyuuga Masamune” is an important card that supports Kashuu Kiyomitsu well! By calling this rear-guard while your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you can look at the top card of your deck, and put it on the top or bottom of your deck.
Similar to other cards like “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Sentou” and “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame”, this card gives you more information about the top card of your deck to aid in your attack formation! Furthermore, it is a costless ability, so even when you run out of resources to use other abilities, you can still use this unit to potentially add more pressure to your vanguard attack!

One of the integral cards in this deck is “Yamatonokami Yasusada”! By paying 1 Counter-Blast, this rear-guard gains an additional +5000 Power! However, it can gain +10 000 Power instead if your vanguard is “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame”!
This card can be easily searched from the deck thanks to “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Toku”, and it is a powerful attacker since its ability can be used more than once per turn! So, you’ll be able to stack quite a bit of Power on this rear-guard with your spare Counter-Blast!

An interesting offensive option to consider is “Shizukagata Naginata”! When this rear-guard attacks while you have no face up cards in your damage zone, you can discard a card from your hand to give it +15 000 Power for that battle!
Such a card commits greatly to the game plan of Kashuu Kiyomitsu to provide instantaneous offense! You’ll see this rear-guard consistently attack for around 28 000 Power to decimate your opponent’s defenses!
Key Tips
With this deck, you’ll need to manage your resources greatly. Even though “Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame” can be powered up if you have no face up cards in your damage zone, you might not be able to activate your other abilities to form your offense!
Other than this, knowing what cards remain in your deck is also quite important. You can estimate the likelihood of seeing trigger units on top of your deck and plan out your offense more effectively!
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Kasen Kanesada Ride Line
Next up, let’s have a look at the famous Touken Danshi known as Kasen Kanesada! This vanguard’s attack is fluid in motion, yet lethal in power. By Resting your rear-guards, you can strengthen Kasen Kanesada’s attack!
Kasen Kanesada and its supporting cast are all available in the D Title Booster 01: Touken Ranbu -ONLINE- 2021!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Grade | Quantity |
Kasen Kanesada Kiwame | 3 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Kasen Kanesada Toku | 2 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Kasen Kanesada Sentou | 1 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Kasen Kanesada | 0 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Tonbokiri | 3 | 2 |
Mikazuki Munechika | 2 | 2 |
Shokudaikiri Mitsutada | 2 | 4 |
Shishiou | 2 | 4 |
Juzumaru Tsunetsugu | 2 | 3 |
Namazuo Toushirou | 1 | 4 |
Honebami Toushirou | 1 | 4 |
Hakusanyoshimitsu (Perfect Guard) | 1 | 4 |
Atsushi Toushirou (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Gotou Toushirou (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Hirano Toushirou (Draw) | 0 | 3 |
Yagen Toushirou (Heal) | 0 | 4 |
Kasen Kanesada Shinken Hissatsu (Over Trigger) | 0 | 1 |

Just like all other First Vanguards, “Kasen Kanesada” starts off as a humble grade 0! This renowned warrior wields elegance and power hand in hand to take down foes!

Kasen Kanesada ranks up to become “Kasen Kanesada Sentou”! When this vanguard is rode upon by “Kasen Kanesada Toku”, you can give your vanguard an additional +10 000 Power! This ability allows you to begin pressuring your opponent even on turn 2, so take the opportunity to call down rear-guards and attack your opponent relentlessly!
Other than this, this rear-guard also gains a helpful +2000 Power buff during your turn, which could be helpful for boosting your grade 3 units to achieve optimal attacking numbers!

“Kasen Kanesada Toku” is the next level for the character! When this vanguard is rode upon by “Kasen Kanesada Kiwame”, you can Soul-Charge 1 and give your vanguard a helpful +5000 Power buff!
While this ability does not give as much Power as its predecessor, it still helps to strengthen your vanguard attack, and also generates resources to pay for other card abilities!
Similarly to its grade 1 variant, this rear-guard gains an additional +2000 Power to help as an attacker!

“Kasen Kanesada Kiwame” is the final ascension of the character! By paying Soul-Blast 1 and resting any number of your rear-guards, this vanguard gains +5000 Power for each card Rested for this cost! As such, “Kasen Kanesada Kiwame” can become a stronger vanguard as you Rest more of your allies!
Furthermore, when it attacks with 30 000 or more Power, your opponent must call two or more cards from hand to guard this attack! This is a great payoff for Resting your rear-guards, forcing even more Shield from your opponent to deal with this unit’s attack!
Of course, Resting your rear-guards to strengthen your vanguard is quite an unorthodox offensive strategy, because you will have fewer attacks made. That’s why you can use other cards like “Tonbokiri” and “Juzumaru Tsunetsugu” that can Stand your rear-guards again after using this unit’s ability!

“Tonbokiri” is an important card that serves Kasen Kanesada well! This rear-guard gains an additional +2000 Power during your turn, allowing it to form an effective attacking column with a grade 1 boosting unit!
Furthermore, when this card is Rest by a card’s ability, you can Stand this unit! This card will be especially useful with “Kasen Kanesada Kiwame” and “Juzumaru Tsunetsugu”; you’re able to retain an attacking unit even after Resting this rear-guard for their card costs!

“Kikkou Sadamune” is an interesting option that you could consider running alongside Kasen Kanesada! During your stand phase, you can choose not to Stand this rear-guard. While this ability may seem weird initially, it ties into its strong second ability.
At the beginning of your main phase, if this unit is in Rest, you can give one of your units +10 000 Power for the turn! This ability allows you to strengthen one of your main attacking units (which is “Kasen Kanesada Kiwame”) to pressure your opponent further! It’s also worth noting that you can use “Juzumaru Tsunetsugu” to Stand this unit again to ensure you still have attacking rear-guards!
Key Tips
In this deck, managing your attack patterns is absolutely important. You need to know what cards are best used for Resting for the abilities of “Kasen Kanesada Kiwame” and “Juzumaru Tsunetsugu”. (As of now, the best card to be Rest for their abilities is “Tonbokiri”.)
Other than this, it’s important to know that while you have the potential to play aggressively early in the game with Kasen Kanesada (due to the grade 1 variant of Kasen Kanesada giving your grade 2 vanguard great attacking Power), the best time to finish off your opponent is when you have Persona Ride active on turn 4! This way, you can maximise “Juzumaru Tsunetsugu” and further create a high-powered offense that your opponent will have trouble dealing with!
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Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Ride Line
We also have the renowned Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki as a playable ride line in this set! This powerful samurai becomes stronger if your opponent has no back row rear-guards, and it has multiple tools at its disposal to achieve this! Retire your opponent’s allies to gain an upper hand on field advantage!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Grade | Quantity |
Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiwame | 3 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Toku | 2 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Sentou | 1 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki | 0 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Otegine | 3 | 2 |
Nihongou | 3 | 2 |
Mikazuki Munechika | 2 | 4 |
Shokudaikiri Mitsutada | 2 | 4 |
Shishiou | 2 | 4 |
Hakusanyoshimitsu (Perfect Guard) | 1 | 4 |
Hizen Tadahiro | 1 | 3 |
Kotegirigou | 1 | 4 |
Atsushi Toushirou (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Gotou Toushirou (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Hirano Toushirou (Draw) | 0 | 3 |
Yagen Toushirou (Heal) | 0 | 4 |
Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Shinken Hissatsu (Over Trigger) | 0 | 1 |

“Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki” is a great swordsman with bravado and strength! Even as a grade 0, it still exudes massive potential that is realised by riding up!

Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki ranks up, gaining the ‘Sentou’ rank! When this vanguard is rode upon by “Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Toku”, you can retire one of your opponent’s back row rear-guards. If none were retired, you Soul-Charge 1!
No matter what your opponent does, you’re always going to benefit! You’ll either see your opponent lose a key booster, or accumulate more soul for your other card abilities!
This ability could be especially great against Bruce as it can deny the card draw from “Diabolos, ‘Anger’ Richard” when it puts a rear-guard to soul.
This rear-guard also gains +2000 Power during your turn, helping as a booster!

By attaining the rank of ‘Toku’, Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki becomes even more powerful! When this vanguard is rode upon by “Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiwame”, you can Soul-Blast 1 to retire one of your opponent’s back row rear-guards! If no rear-guards were retired, you draw a card!
Essentially, your opponent will be at a loss no matter what they do in response to this! They will either lose a boosting rear-guard for their offense, or allow you to gain card advantage! Furthermore, it can also activate the continuous Power buff from “Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiwame” to heighten your offense!
Other than this, like all other ‘Sentou’ and ‘Toku’ rank cards, this rear-guard gains an additional +2000 Power on your turn to help boost your attacking columns!

“Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiwame” is a strong vanguard that is deserving of the ‘Kiwame’ title! This vanguard gains an additional +2000 Power if your opponent has no back row rear-guards, and this Power buff even lasts during your opponent’s turn! Not only will this vanguard attain optimal attacking numbers with a grade 1 booster, it will also have significant defensive Power to tide through the opponent’s attacks!
Furthermore, when this vanguard attacks, you can Counter-Blast 1 to retire one of your opponent’s back row rear-guards! Then, this unit gains an additional +5000 Power for each of the opponent’s empty back row rear-guard circles! “Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiwame” will be able to hit for even higher numbers (the maximum being +15 000 Power) and get rid of key boosters on the opponent’s field!

Another helpful comrade is “Otegine”! If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, this unit battles all of the units in one of your opponent’s columns when it attacks!
While this card helps to remove more of your opponent’s key rear-guards, its main purpose is to remove the opponent’s back row rear-guards so as to further strengthen “Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiwame” and activate other card abilities! (For example, “Hizen Tadahiro”.)

“Nankaitarouchouson” is another great option to consider! When this rear-guard attacks, you can Soul-Blast 1 to perform one of the following abilities! You can either give this unit a helpful +5000 Power buff, or draw a card and discard a card from hand. However, if you retire one of the opponent’s back row rear-guards, you perform both effects instead!
This card will be able to attack with decent Power or cycle through your deck for more key pieces! Of course, given how easy it is for you to retire your opponent’s back row rear-guards, you could almost always activate both effects!

An important card that works well with Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki is “Hizen Tadahiro”! When the attack that this unit boosted hits a vanguard, you can retire one of your opponent’s rear-guards if your opponent’s back row rear-guard was retired this turn!
This adds even more pressure to any of your attacks towards your opponent’s vanguard, as they will be forced to guard your attacks in order to not lose their rear-guards to this ability. It’s also great to note that this card has no cost whatsoever, so you can better manage your other card abilities!
Key Tips
With many cards in the deck that use quite a bit of resources (such as “Mikazuki Munechika” and “Shishiou”), you’ll need to manage their abilities to ensure that you can efficiently win a game!
Furthermore, you’ll need to apply consistent pressure with your offense to ensure that the opponent’s back row is always empty! Thankfully, the deck has access to retire tools like “Hizen Tadahiro” (as well as your ride line) to help get rid of the opponent’s key boosters!
This deck could be a powerful matchup against other decks that rely on the back row to elevate their offense! (For example, Magnolia and Bruce decks need back row rear-guards to become quite potent.)
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Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Ride Line
Yamanbagiri Kunihiro is also a playable ride line in the Touken Ranbu title! This deck focuses on multi-attack during the battle phase by superior calling cards from hand! Furthermore, your attack prowess becomes more refined and potent with Persona Ride, as you can gain more benefits beyond the continuous 10 000 Power buff and card draw!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Grade | Quantity |
Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame | 3 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Toku | 2 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Sentou | 1 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Yamanbagiri Kunihiro | 0 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Mikazuki Munechika | 2 | 4 |
Shokudaikiri Mitsutada | 2 | 4 |
Yamanbagiri Chougi | 2 | 4 |
Ookanehira | 2 | 3 |
Kuwanagou | 2 | 4 |
Kenshin Kagemitsu | 1 | 4 |
Hakusanyoshimitsu (Perfect Guard) | 1 | 4 |
Atsushi Toushirou (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Gotou Toushirou (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Hirano Toushirou (Draw) | 0 | 3 |
Yagen Toushirou (Heal) | 0 | 4 |
Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Shinken Hissatsu (Over Trigger) | 0 | 1 |

Shrouded under a white veil, “Yamanbagiri Kunihiro” is a formidable swordsman with great potential, just like the other grade 0 First Vanguards. Ride up to unlock this card’s strengths!

Ride up to become “Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Sentou”! When this vanguard is rode upon by “Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Toku”, you can Counter-Blast 1 to draw a card! This allows you to regain card advantage after discarding to ride from the ride deck, and cycle through your deck for more of your key pieces!
This rear-guard also gains +2000 Power, which helps it become an effective booster!

“Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Toku” is an important asset to the strategy of the deck! When this vanguard is rode upon by “Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame”, you can discard a card from your hand to add a copy of “Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame” from your deck to your hand! This ensures that you have access to Persona Ride the following turn, unlocking the full potential of your deck!
Like other ‘Sentou’ and ‘Toku’ rank cards, this rear-guard gains an additional +2000 Power to help as an attacker!

“Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame” has achieved the highest honour of a swordsman! This vanguard gains an additional Critical if you persona rode this turn, allowing you to increase offensive pressure on your Persona Ride turns!
Furthermore, you can Counter-Blast 1 when this unit attacks to draw a card and call a card from your hand to an open rear-guard circle! It’s also worth noting that you can Soul-Blast 1 “Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame” for this cost as well, so you can conserve your Counter-Blast for your other card abilities! This ability creates more attacks during your turn to challenge your opponent! As such, having cards that can remove themselves from the field will be an immense help for this offensive strategy!
Such an ability will be even more potent on Persona Ride turns as your rear-guards will benefit from the continuous Power buff on the front row!

An essential ally for this deck would be“Yamanbagiri Chougi”! When this rear-guard attacks a vanguard while there are no other units in the same column, you can Soul-Blast 1 to give this unit +5000 Power! Furthermore, after this unit attacks, you can move it to the back row!
This phenomenal card helps to increase the number of attacks performed in this deck by emptying the front row rear-guard circle it was on after it attacked! This gives room for “Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame” to call down another attacker on the field when it attacks! This card is also a great attacker in its own right, hitting 25 000 Power on Persona Ride turns.
Key Tips
While the offensive potential of this deck is very clear, it requires quite a bit of resources in order to execute. As such, managing your costs is extremely crucial in gaining an edge over your opponent.
With this, it’s especially important to know your combos as well. There are many cards in Touken Ranbu that are able to enable your multi-attacks through superior calling and re-standing, but you will need to figure out how all of these cards work together to unleash a barrage of attacks!
This deck is also very reliant on Persona Ride for its offensive strategy, so it’s also quite important to secure a copy of “Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame” in hand early. Thankfully, your ride line helps you to secure a copy of your grade 3 vanguard.
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Hachisuka Kotetsu Ride Line
Finally, we have a look at the Hachisuka Kotetsu build for Touken Ranbu! This cool warrior is able to boost its allies with great Power by maintaining a full field, and elevate its attacking columns to formidable numbers!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Grade | Quantity |
Hachisuka Kotetsu Kiwame | 3 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Hachisuka Kotetsu Toku | 2 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Hachisuka Kotetsu Sentou | 1 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Hachisuka Kotetsu | 0 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Taroutachi | 3 | 4 |
Jiroutachi | 3 | 4 |
Mikazuki Munechika | 2 | 4 |
Juzumaru Tsunetsugu | 2 | 2 |
Shokudaikiri Mitsutada | 2 | 4 |
Shishiou | 2 | 2 |
Taikogane Sadamune | 1 | 4 |
Hakusanyoshimitsu (Perfect Guard) | 1 | 4 |
Urashima Kotetsu | 1 | 1 |
Atsushi Toushirou (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Gotou Toushirou (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Hirano Toushirou (Draw) | 0 | 3 |
Yagen Toushirou (Heal) | 0 | 4 |
Hachisuka Kotetsu Shinken Hissatsu (Over Trigger) | 0 | 1 |

Wielding elegance and handsomeness hand in hand, “Hachisuka Kotetsu” is the final swordsman ride line of Touken Ranbu! This golden Touken Danshi starts as a grade 0, but gets more powerful as you continue to ride up!

“Hachisuka Kotetsu Sentou” is an upgrade over the base form of Hachisuka Kotetsu. By paying Soul-Blast 1 and revealing two cards with “Hachisuka Kotetsu” in their card names in your ride deck, you can add a card in your drop to your hand! As such, you’re able to return discarded cards (such as the card discarded to ride from the ride deck) back to hand for later use!
This rear-guard also gains +2000 Power during your turn, which will be helpful in boosting your attack columns to optimal numbers.

By riding up, you can build your offense with “Hachisuka Kotetsu Toku”! By riding this card over “Hachisuka Kotetsu Sentou”, you can Counter-Blast 1 to call a “Urashima Kotetsu” from your deck to the field!
This allows you to increase your board presence with a helpful unit that enhances your offensive strength as early as turn 2!
Like other ‘Sentou’ and ‘Toku’ rank cards, this card gains a helpful +2000 Power as a rear-guard to aid in offense.

“Hachisuka Kotetsu Kiwame” is the strongest form of this formidable golden warrior. This card has a simple but powerful ability that unlocks possibilities for your offensive playstyle! By having five rear-guards, all of your front row rear-guards gain +5000 Power (even during the opponent’s turn), and all of your back row rear-guards gain ‘Boost’!
Overall, your attacking columns will definitely be hitting for even higher numbers than usual! Not only will the front row be buffed, your back row rear-guards can be filled with grade 2 and grade 3 rear-guards that can boost your attacks! (These rear-guards tend to have higher Power compared to grade 1 and grade 0 units.)
Furthermore, since those front row rear-guards retain the +5000 Power buff even during the opponent’s turn, it will be harder for your opponent to get rid of your rear-guards without retire effects.
Card combinations such as “Jiroutachi” and “Taroutachi”, as well as “Higekiri” and “Hizamaru” will work fantastically well with “Hachisuka Kotetsu Kiwame”!

One great support for the deck is “Urashima Kotetsu”! This rear-guard gains +5000 Power if there is another rear-guard in the same column! This rear-guard will essentially become a 10 000 Power booster that can form optimal columns for your attacks!
Like “Hachisuka Kotetsu Kiwame”, this unit’s Power gain lasts even during the opponent’s turn, making it even harder for them to remove it without field control tools!

An interesting pair to have in your Hachisuka Kotetsu deck is “Taroutachi” and “Jiroutachi”! During your turn, they gain +10 000 Power if the other is on the field!
These two cards can serve as powerful attackers and boosters that elevate your offense pretty easily! Expect to see your attacking columns rise to at least 23 000 Power, even when Persona Ride is not active!

“Nagasone Kotetsu” is another offensive option that you can consider alongside Hachisuka Kotetsu! Should you have another unit with “Kotetsu” in its card name, this rear-guard gains +5000 Power!
With such simple conditions, you can expect to see this rear-guard to always be at 14 000 Power! While there are more versatile attackers that Touken Ranbu can offer, this card is still a great early game option to rush your opponent with!
Key Tips
In this deck, maintaining your field of rear-guards is extremely important. Be very careful against decks that have field removal tools, and always ensure that your board is full of rear-guards to maximise your offensive output.
Other than this, maximising the ‘Boost’ effect from “Hachisuka Kotetsu Kiwame” is also crucial to a strong offensive strategy! Using more grade 2 and grade 3 rear-guards on the field will definitely help this deck to become an unstoppable juggernaut!
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Other Cards

One of the most renowned swordsmen in Touken Ranbu -ONLINE-, “Mikazuki Munechika” is a powerful card that asserts its authority on the field! When this rear-guard attacks, you can perform a number of effects based on the number of cards in your damage zone!
If you have 3 or more cards in the damage zone, “Mikazuki Munechika” gains a helpful +5000 Power to hit for higher numbers!
If there are 4 or more cards, you can look at the top card of your deck and put it on the top or bottom of your deck! This allows you to have better knowledge of the top card of your deck, which could be helpful to know if you have triggers on the top of the deck to drive check!
Finally, if you have 5 or more cards, you can Counter-Blast 1 and Soul-Blast 1 to Stand this unit! With this multi-attack potential, you could reveal triggers from vanguard attack and stack the trigger Power and effect onto “Mikazuki Munechika”!

“Oodenta Mitsuyo” is an extremely potent unit that helps you survive longer in the game! When this rear-guard’s attack hits, if you persona rode this turn, you can Counter-Blast 1 to heal a card in your damage zone!
Oodenta Mitsuyo” is a great pressure piece that could help you sustain in the fight! Your opponent will be forced to block this rear-guard’s attack on Persona Ride turns in order to deny the heal effect. Should you run this card alongside “Mikazuki Munechika” in your deck, you will need to consider which card is the better option during certain situations. (“Mikazuki Munechika” would be more favoured when you are at high damage and are preparing for a finishing turn, while “Oodenta Mitsuyo” is more suited when you are trying to stabilise and prolong the game.)

Another crucial support for some Touken Ranbu builds is “Juzumaru Tsunetsugu”! By paying Counter-Blast 1 and Resting this rear-guard and another rear-guard, your opponent’s vanguard gets -5000 Power! Furthermore, you can Stand all of your rear-guards if Persona Ride was performed during your turn!
Not only does this card further weaken your opponent’s defenses, it also helps you to reuse your field of rear-guards after Resting them!
This card is especially effective with “Kasen Kanesada Kiwame”. As “Kasen Kanesada Kiwame” focuses on Resting its rear-guards to gain massive Power, you can use ”Juzumaru Tsunetsugu” to Stand your Rested rear-guards again! This way, you’ll still be able to maintain three powerful attacks on your opponent’s vanguard with reduced Power!

“Onimaru Kunitsuna” is another great card for some Touken Ranbu builds. When this rear-guard attacks while your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you can Counter-Blast 1 and Soul-Blast 1 to give this unit +5000 Power and an additional Critical! Furthermore, this card is returned to the bottom of your deck after it attacks!
Not only does “Onimaru Kunitsuna” serve as a powerful attacker, it also removes itself off the board to enable other multi-attack strategies. For example, the Yamanbagiri Kunihiro ride line will be able to capitalise on the empty front row rear-guard circle to call another attacker from hand during the battle phase! (“Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame” achieves this.)

Another great support for many decks is “Shokudaikiri Mitsutada”! By calling this rear-guard from hand while your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you can Counter-Blast 1 to give all of your front row units a helpful +5000 Power buff!
Should this rear-guard’s attack hit a vanguard, you can Soul-Blast 1 to retire one of your opponent’s front row rear-guards!

Another great attack extender for some Touken Ranbu decks is “Tsurumaru Kuninaga“! After this rear-guard attacks while your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you can Counter-Blast 1 and Soul-Blast 1 to swap its position with another rear-guard in the same column!
Simply put, “Tsurumaru Kuninaga” allows you to call a powerful attacker behind it (Like “Onimaru Kunitsuna” and “Mikazuki Munechika“), before switching their positions to attack the opponent once more! These effects are all the more potent when Persona Ride is fully active, as all of your attacking units will be able to capitalise on the front row buff!

An interesting removal option to consider is “Iwatooshi“! Should you have four or more grade 1 or less units, when this rear-guard would attack your opponent’s vanguard, it also attacks all of the opponent’s grade 2 or greater rear-guards as well!
Given that so many decks in the Standard format rely heavily on grade 2 or greater attackers for their offense, Iwatooshi will often serve as a great board control tool! This card also works well with the “Toushirou” rear-guard playstyle that “Ichigo Hitofuri” offers, so you’ll be able to decimate enemy lines while launching your counterattack!

Another great card to consider is “Ichigo Hitofuri”. During your turn, this rear-guard gains +10 000 Power if there are three or more rear-guards with “Toushirou” in their card names! This formidable attacker gets stronger with multiple “Toushirou” allies, giving those weaker grade 1 and grade 0 units more purpose in your offense.
By paying 1 Counter-Blast when “Ichigo Hitofuri” attacks, if it has 30 000 or greater Power, it gains an additional Critical to further intensify your offensive potential! On Persona Ride turns, this is definitely a card that you can look to playing to pressure your opponent!

“Ookanehira” is a strong attacking option for some Touken Ranbu builds! When this rear-guard attacks while not boosted, you can discard two cards from hand to choose one of your rear-guards with Power greater than this unit. This rear-guard’s Power then increases or decreases to 5000 greater than that unit’s Power for that battle!
Overall, “Ookanehira” becomes a formidable unit that fights alongside other strong attackers on the field! With other high-powered units such as “Kasen Kanesada Kiwame” and “Mikazuki Munechika”, this rear-guard will be able to consistently achieve high Power to pose a threat to your opponent!
Supporting ”Ookanehira” well is “Uguisumaru”! By calling this rear-guard from hand, you can Counter-Blast 1 to add a “Ookanehira” from the top seven cards of your deck to your hand! If you are unable to do so, you Counter-Charge 1.
“Uguisumaru” is an interesting consistency piece that you can utilise to search for “Ookanehira” and elevate your offense! Of course, the cost for this ability is also returned should you fail to find “Ookanehira” from the search effect, so you’ll still have the resources to use other card abilities!

“Hotarumaru” could also be considered as an offensive piece! By calling this rear-guard, it gains a helpful +5000 Power! If your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, it gains +10 000 Power instead!
Hotarumaru will be able to hit your opponent with decently high numbers, and can form efficient attacking columns with your grade 1 8000 Power rear-guards!
Furthermore, when this rear-guard is retired during your opponent’s turn, you can Counter-Blast 1 to return this card from your drop to your hand! This gives you the opportunity to use this again the next turn for your offensive push.

Another great card that can elevate the Power of your attacking columns is “Monoyoshi Sadamune”! When this back row rear-guard’s Power would be increased by your trigger effect, you can double the value of that increase!
Simply put, “Monoyoshi Sadamune” becomes an effective booster that you can commit trigger Power to from your drive checks! You’re definitely going to want many copies of this rear-guard in your back row to form intimidating attacking columns!

You could also consider “Taikogane Sadamune” in your Touken Ranbu decks! By calling this rear-guard while your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you can Counter-Blast 1 to call up to two cards from your hand to open rear-guard circles! If you called two cards, you also draw a card!
While using this card during your main phase allows you to increase your board presence and cycle through your deck, it can also be used with “Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame” to increase the number of attacks! Of course, you’ll need to use cards that can remove themselves from the field to maximise this card’s full potential; as such, cards like “Onimaru Kunitsuna” and “Kenshin Kagemitsu” could be important to prepare for this.

A defensive option to consider is “Kousetsu Samonji”! By putting this unit on the guardian circle, you can discard a card from your hand to give this unit an additional +10 000 Shield for that battle!
This could be used to convert grade 3s with no defensive value into additional Shield to block a pesky attack! It’s worth noting that this card’s ability can also activate when it intercepts, so you’re able to commit this onto the field as an attacker before using it to guard your opponent’s attacks.

“Izuminokami Kanesada” and “Horikawa Kunihiro” are great cards that work together to unleash a powerful strike! By paying Counter-Blast 1 when “Izuminokami Kanesada” attacks while boosted, it gains a helpful +5000 Power to strengthen its attack. Furthermore, should this rear-guard be boosted by “Horikawa Kunihiro”, your opponent will be forced to guard with two or more cards from hand to defend this attack!
This ability allows you to force out even more cards from your opponent’s hand to defend this combined attack! It will be all the more useful on Persona Ride turns, or when your opponent has 5 cards in their damage zone.
On the other hand, “Horikawa Kunihiro” is a great support for “Izuminokami Kanesada”! When this rear-guard boosts a unit with the <Touken Danshi – Uchigatana> race, you can Soul-Blast 1 and discard a card to draw a card! Furthermore, if it is boosting “Izuminokami Kanesada”, this rear-guard gains an additional +5000 Power!
Not only does this card help to cycle through your deck for your key pieces, it also intensifies the attack with “Izuminokami Kanesada”! This attack will be hitting for at least 28 000 Power with additional guarding restrictions, making it even more difficult for your opponent to deal with!

“Higekiri” and “Hizamaru” are two cards that you could think about playing in your deck! Each one of them gains an additional +5000 Power and +5000 Shield if the other is either on the guardian circle or a front row rear-guard circle.
These two cards are inseparable from one another; by using both of them in tandem, you’re able to attack with higher numbers and achieve great defense against opposing strikes! Your opponent will also find it harder to remove them from the field without retire effects, given that their Power buff remains even during your opponent’s turn.

“Ookurikara” is another great option for your Touken Ranbu deck! When this rear-guard attacks while not boosted and your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you can Counter-Blast 1 to strengthen this unit with +10 000 Power! Furthermore, it can gain +15 000 Power instead if you have no face up cards in your damage zone!
Simply put, “Ookurikara” is a powerful attack on its own, reaching 25 000 Power easily when your opponent is also grade 3! This card can be used in Kashuu Kiyomitsu’s deck, as it helps to ensure that your cards in the damage zone are face down (through Counter-Blast).

“Shishiou” can also be considered in your Touken Ranbu decks! Firstly, this rear-guard cannot be chosen by your opponent’s card effects, so your opponent will be forced to attack this rear-guard in order to get rid of it!
Secondly, you can Counter-Blast 1 and Soul-Blast 1 to draw a card and give this rear-guard an additional +5000 Power when your vanguard attack hits! This regains your card advantage while also strengthening this rear-guard’s attack. Overall, this card’s abilities are extremely reliable during games. It will become an extremely pesky unit that your opponent will try to remove from the board.

An interesting option for your Touken Ranbu build is “Kogarasumaru”. If this rear-guard is in your front row, when your Over Trigger would be removed by its trigger effect, you can put it into your hand instead!
While this play may not come up every time, it allows you to keep the Over Trigger in hand for defensive purposes after it was revealed during your drive check or damage check! The 60 000 Shield of the Over Trigger will be extremely valuable in blocking the opponent’s high-powered attacks.
Decks that can filter and cycle through the deck quickly (like the Kashuu Kiyomitsu ride line) could be especially great with this card, as it increases the probability of revealing the Over Trigger during your trigger checks!

A solid card for many Touken Ranbu decks is “Kenshin Kagemitsu”. After this rear-guard boosts, you can Counter-Blast 1 and put this unit to soul to draw a card and give another unit a helpful +2000 Power buff!
“Kenshin Kagemitsu” helps to regain card advantage while also replenishing soul for your other abilities! This will be particularly beneficial for multiple Touken Ranbu decks that use soul frequently (like Kashuu Kiyomitsu and Kasen Kanesada.)

A great option for many decks is “Sanchoumou”! By calling this rear-guard while Persona Ride is active, you can Counter-Charge 1! This card simply allows you to regenerate resources for your other card abilities; expect to play “Sanchoumou” in resource-reliant decks! (like Yamanbagiri Kunihiro.)

Another great option to consider is “Sohayanotsurugi”! When this rear-guard’s attack hits the vanguard, you can Counter-Blast 1 and discard a card from your hand to add a copy of your vanguard from your deck to your hand!
Simply put, “Sohayanotsurugi” is a great pressure piece that retrieves copies of your vanguard for Persona Ride! This will be especially important in decks that rely on Persona Ride to launch their offense. (For example, Kasen Kanesada and Yamanbagiri Kunihiro.)

Another great option is “Kuwanagou”! When this rear-guard’s attack hits a vanguard, you can either Counter-Charge 1 or Soul-Charge 2!
Simply put, this card can potentially regenerate more resources for your offensive push! Of course, it’s more than likely that your opponent will try to block this unit’s attack to prevent its ability from activating; hence it’s important to put other pressure pieces on the field that your opponent will be forced to guard against instead.
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This Touken Ranbu -ONLINE- 2021 collaboration will be an exciting one for many players, as you’ll be able to experience the joys of Vanguard and cherish the uniqueness of Touken Ranbu characters! Don’t miss out on this special set, coming to you on 21 January 2022!