

Cardfight!! Vanguard Booster Pack 06: Generation Dragenesis

Release Date February 28th, 2025
Featured Nations Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia
Card Types 106 types of cards
+ Parallels
Others 1 pack contains 7 random cards
1 display contains 16 packs
MSRP: US$3.80 per pack


Featuring power-up cards for units that appear in the web novel “Cray Cross Epic”!

Product Information

Regalis Piece and other Encounter units will also be included!
Powered-up Rorowa and the Fire Regalis!
Gramgrace & Favrneel ascends to new forms!

New G units revealed at the Bushiroad TCG Strategy Presentation 2024 Autumn!
Chronoscommand Dragon & Trans-else Messiah returns to Cardfight!! Vanguard!

The first edition print will include a serial numbered parallel card, of which there are only 10 in the world!
Special SNR of which only 10 of each will be made!

Featuring special reprints of cards from Stride Deckset -Chronojet- & Stride Deckset -Messiah-
Stride Deckset -Chronojet- & Stride Deckset -Messiah- reprints!
DZ-BT06 special EC reprints
DZ-BT06 special EXRRR reprints

Masque of Hydragrum reprints confirmed!

Masque of Hydragrum reprints confirmed!

Cardfight!! Vanguard Booster Pack 06: Generation Dragenesis Sneak Preview

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