CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD overDress Booster Pack 01: Genesis of the Five Greats

Release Date | May 21st, 2021 |
Featured Nations | Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary, Stoicheia |
Card Types | 120 types of cards (120 new cards) (RRR: 10 / RR: 10 / ORR: 5 / R: 30 / C: 65) + Parallels: 92 types (DSR: 2 + SP: 40 + H: 50) + 1 type of token card 2 cards in every pack will definitely be R or above cards!! |
Others | 1 pack contains 7 random cards 1 display contains 16 packs |
The Booster Pack that delivers powerful upgrades to the five Start Decks as below!
Start Deck 01: Yu-yu Kondo -Holy Dragon-
Start Deck 02: Danji Momoyama -Tyrant Tiger-
Start Deck 03: Tohya Ebata -Apex Ruler-
Start Deck 04: Megumi Okura -Sylvan King-
Start Deck 05: Tomari Seto -Aurora Valkyrie-
Furthermore, brand new decks with a different theme can be constructed for each nation!!
1 Guaranteed SP rarity card per box?!
SP refers to special cards that have a different treatment on the surface compared to regular cards.
Get yours now with every box (of 16 packs)!
New card rarity! – Dress Secret Rare (DSR)
These rare and ultra-collectible cards will be included randomly!
• Trickstar
• Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana
New card rarity! – H (Holo)
Some R and C cards will be included with RR treatment!
Each nation will feature a unique type of “Over Trigger”!
Make full use of the quirks of each type during your fight!
Over Triggers will be included as the special rarity Over RR (ORR), and one of the five types of ORR will be guaranteed in a box of 16 packs!
Pre-order bonuses you should not miss out on!
1. Carton toppers
4 pieces of rubber playmats will be randomly included in a carton! There are 5 designs in total to collect
Enjoy exciting fights with these playmats!
※While stocks last
2. Box topper sleeves
Each display will include 4 pieces of sleeves in a random design for players to use for the new Ride Deck* mechanic!
7 different designs available!
※While stocks last
* A Ride Deck refers to a deck of 4 pieces that you prepare separately from your main deck, consisting of 1 unit of each grade (0~3). You can ride from your Ride Deck during Ride Phase.
3. Box topper PR card
Each purchase of a [VGE-D-BT01] display box will include a bonus box topper PR card with the Key Visual Illustration from the “Cardfight!! Vanguard overDress” animation!
This card is an “Over Trigger”, which means that you can definitely use it in a cardfight! Note: Usable in tournaments after May 14th.
※While stocks last
From this product onwards, there will be changes to how Sneak Preview Tournaments will be conducted.