CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD overDress is the latest iteration of the 10 year running game of Cardfight!! Vanguard. Recently, the D Lyrical Booster Set 01: Lyrical Melody and D Lyrical Trial Deck 01: Ahoy! Lyrical Monasterio! were released, featuring the Lyrical Monasterio nation and six new ride lines! Once again, thank you for your commitment and dedication to this game! We hope that you will continue to play and enjoy Vanguard, in whatever capacity possible.
Now, let’s get into the latest set! D Booster Set 03 introduces even more support for the current ride lines of Dragon Empire, Dark States, Brandt Gate, Keter Sanctuary and Stoicheia. It also has three new ride lines: Greedon, Gravidia and Flagburg Dragon! With that, let’s take a look at the new cards!
- New Features
- Greedon Ride Line
- Gravidia Ride Line
- Flagburg Ride Line
- Dragon Empire
- Support for Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana
- Support for Artillery of Dust Storm, Eugene
- Support for Dragonic Overlord
- Dark States
- Keter Sanctuary
- Stoicheia
- Brandt Gate
- Conclusion
New Features
For this latest set, we have a new range of triggers that you can make use of! These Critical triggers can be put to soul from the rear-guard circle when your vanguard attacks to give one of your units a helpful +2000 Power buff!
These Criticals help to replenish soul for decks that rely on Soul-Blast for card abilities, but they also help to give a small Power boost that can help your units’ attack to hit!

Burning Flail Dragon, Stem Deviate Dragon, Patrol Robo, Dekarcop, Blade Feather Dragon, and Aspiring Maiden, Alana
Other than this, there is a new ride line for each Dark States, Stoicheia, and Brandt Gate! These ride lines introduce new mechanics and bring about new ways to enjoy your favourite nation!
There are also coveted Dress Secret Rares (DSRs) for Brandt Gate and Stoicheia, illustrated by CLAMP! Showing off new parallel illustrations for “Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia” and “Aurora Battle Princess, Seraph Snow”, these cards are extremely rare to find in your booster packs! You’ll be extremely lucky to find one of these!
Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia, Aurora Battle Princess, Seraph Snow
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Greedon Ride Line
Hailing from Dark States is yet another powerful vanguard: Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon! This powerful (and fashionable) dragon has the power to assimilate its allies to become even stronger! With comrades that are more than willing to give themselves up for the cause of the fight, Greedon can become a threatening vanguard that you cannot underestimate!
This deck focuses on using Greedon as the main attacker, and it allows you to attack with Greedon twice in a turn, provided that you have the right set-up for it. Your rear-guards are also able to provide Greedon with great benefits to regain card advantage and increase its Power!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Grade | Quantity |
Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon | 3 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Desire Devil, Boshokku | 2 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Desire Devil, Gouman | 1 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Desire Devil, Taida | 0 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Desire Devil, Hystera | 3 | 3 |
Steam Mage, Ashur-da | 2 | 4 |
Desire Devil, Mucca | 2 | 3 |
Desire Devil, Incane | 1 | 4 |
Desire Devil, Yaaba | 1 | 3 |
Recusal Hate Dragon (Perfect Guard) |
1 | 4 |
Flinty Slasher (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Stem Deviate Dragon (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Vital Leaver (Draw) | 0 | 3 |
Steam Scara, Mal-Nigal (Heal) | 0 | 4 |
Hades Dragon Deity of Resentment, Gallmageheld (Over Trigger) | 0 | 1 |

“Desire Devil, Taida” is the First Vanguard for the Greedon ride line! It looks lazy and unassuming, but be warned when you face off against it! You might just come across Taida’s other comrades as well.

Greedon’s grade 1 ride is “Desire Devil, Gouman”! When it is ridden by “Desire Devil, Boshokku”, you can reveal “Desire Devil, Incane” from your ride deck to draw a card! This allows you to gain card advantage early, something that you’ll need to use Greedon effectively!
Other than this, by putting Gouman to soul by your vanguard’s ability while you have a grade 3 or greater vanguard, you can Counter-Blast 1 to force your opponent to call two or more cards from hand when they would guard from hand! This ability makes it even more difficult for your opponent to guard your attacks!
Of course, Gouman also works extremely well with other vanguards that can put it to soul. (Baromagnes is a key example of this!)

Greedon also relies on “Desire Devil, Boshokku” as its grade 2 ride. When it is rode upon by “Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon”, you can put a card from your hand into your soul to add a copy of this card from your deck to your hand!
This ability allows you to increase your soul count and prepare to fully activate Greedon’s ability! It also allows you to add more copies of this card to hand, which ties in with its second ability!
If your damage zone has four or more cards, this card in soul gives your Greedon vanguard an additional +5000! This ability strengthens your vanguard’s attack, and it can be stacked with multiple copies of Boshokku to create a high-powered vanguard attack!

“Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon” crashes its way into battle! With a fedora and a mauve suit, this mafia boss absorbs its allies for immense power!
If your soul has a copy of this card, your number of cards in your damage zone to lose becomes seven! With this, your opponent needs even more firepower to finish you off! Furthermore, you’ll have a lot more Counter-Blast to activate your card abilities, so you can be a lot more liberal with your resource usage!
Greedon’s second ability allows you to Soul-Blast 2 and put four other Stand rear-guards into your soul to Stand this unit after it attacks! It also gains an additional +15 000 Power if you had ten or more cards in soul!
With this, your vanguard will be able to attack twice while gaining even more Power and retaining its drive checks! Of course, you won’t have access to your other rear-guards’ attacks, but it might be worthwhile considering you have access to other powerful cards that further intensify Greedon’s attack pressure when they are put to soul!

“Desire Devil, Incane” is a great support for Greedon! Its first ability allows you to Soul-Charge 1 when you call it to the field during a turn when you persona rode, so you’re able to better prepare for Greedon’s re-stand ability!
When Incane is put from the field to soul by your vanguard’s ability, you can Counter-Blast 2 to give your vanguard +5000 Power and an additional drive! This helpful ability allows Greedon’s attacks to become even more threatening, while also helping you regain card advantage after committing many cards to the field!

Another powerful support is “Desire Devil, Mucca”. By calling this rear-guard from hand, if your vanguard is “Avaricious Demonic Dragon, Greedon”, you can Counter-Blast 1 and Soul-Blast 2 to call a card from your soul! This helps you to increase your board presence with rear-guards which are absorbed by Greedon for its re-stand!
Mucca also helps to buff Greedon’s attack, giving it an additional +5000 Power when it attacks during a turn when you persona rode! Once again, this serves to make Greedon’s attack Power even greater, forcing more Shield from your opponent!

You could also consider “Steam Mage, Ashur-da” in your Greedon deck! This guardian gains an additional +5000 Shield when your soul has seven or more cards; so it will usually become an effective defender for Greedon, helping to stall the game before you can fully realize Greedon’s potential!
Furthermore, when Ashur-da is retired from the guardian circle, you can put it into your soul! This helps to increase your soul count for your other card abilities! Ashur-da can also help to attain the 10 soul required for the additional 15 000 Power on Greedon’s re-stand!

“Desire Devil, Yaaba” could be an option in your Greedon deck if you want! If your vanguard is “Avaricious Demonic Dragon,Greedon”, you can put this card in your soul to the drop to give your vanguard an additional +5000 Power!
Similarly to Incane, Mucca and Boshokku, Yaaba helps to significantly strengthen Greedon’s vanguard attack! You could call this card during your first grade 3 turn and put it to soul through Greedon’s ability, and then use its ability the following turn when you have persona ride ready!

You might notice that this deck doesn’t have a lot of great attackers. Thankfully, you could rely on “Desire Devil, Hystera” as a strong attacker! When this rear-guard attacks, it gains +2000 Power for each of your Stand rear-guards. However, if you have five or more cards, it gets +5000 instead!
Hystera works best as a rear-guard that attacks before Greedon, as Greedon will remove those Stand rear-guards from the field for its re-stand. This card serves as an additional offensive piece so that you will have at least three high-powered attacks when your attacking strategy is fully realised!

“Time Jarett Dragon” is another option that you could look into using with Greedon! By calling this card, you can put a card from your hand into soul to draw a card!
This card helps to cycle your deck and increase your soul count for your other card abilities! While it doesn’t have a lot of offensive potential, the utility that it provides is quite significant! You could use “Time Jarett Dragon” to put cards like Boshokku and Yaaba into soul early to buff up Greedon’s attack Power!
This card is available in D Booster Set 02: A Brush with the Legends, so you can already get your hands on it!
Key Tips
When using this deck, your most powerful attack will always be your vanguard’s. However, you will need to commit quite a bit of resources to ensure Greedon’s re-stand is effective. As such, you will need to manage your hand size and board commitment quite a lot.
On the other hand, you can use your soul liberally for card abilities, because you have many cards that increase your soul count easily! Counter-Blast is also not something to worry about as Greedon allows for more cards in your damage zone. Thus, you can afford to go all out on your card abilities to strengthen Greedon’s attack!
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Gravidia Ride Line
Brandt Gate also receives an equally fearsome vanguard: Gravidia Nordlinger! This otherworldly being harnesses the power of Meteorites to unleash destruction upon foes and become even more powerful! With other aliens that help to gather the power of these Meteorites, Gravidia Nordlinger is able to consistently hurl these Meteorites onto anyone who stands in its way!
This deck primarily focuses on Meteorite Set Orders, which you can currently run in high quantities in your deck! By using Nordlinger’s ability, you can wield the power of the Meteorites to strengthen your vanguard attack and increase the potency of your trigger checks to buff your board!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Grade | Quantity |
Gravidia Nordlinger | 3 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Gravidia Barringer | 2 | 3 (1 in ride deck) |
Gravidia Wells | 1 | 2 (1 in ride deck) |
Gravidia Dellen | 0 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Gravidia Stanner | 2 | 4 |
Violate Dragon (Perfect Guard) | 1 | 4 |
Neatness Meteor Shower (Set Order) | 1 | 16 |
Patrol Cop, Dekarcop (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Cardinal Draco, Barbizonde (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Cardinal Draco, Enpyro (Front) | 0 | 3 |
Cardinal Prima, Nabilem (Heal) | 0 | 4 |
Star Dragon Deity of Infinitude, Eldobreath (Over Trigger) | 0 | 1 |

“Gravidia Dellen” is the First Vanguard of the Gravidia ride line. Even though it is still in its infancy, it’s best that you take great precautions against it as it begins to become more powerful with each ride.

As the grade 1 ride for the Gravidia deck, “Gravidia Wells” certainly does not disappoint! By riding this vanguard, you can add any number of Meteorite cards from the top seven cards of your deck to your hand! This allows you to begin accumulating more Meteorite cards in hand and play them to prepare for the offensive strategy when Nordlinger enters the field!
“Gravidia Wells” also serves as a great rear-guard, allowing you to Soul-Blast 1 to put two Meteorite cards in hand into the Order Zone if your vanguard is “Gravidia Nordlinger.” It also gains an additional +2000 Power as well!
This card will be able to better increase your Meteorite count in your Order Zone as it bypasses the once-per-turn Order usage and increases soul count! (when “Neatness Meteor Shower” enters the Order Zone.)

“Gravidia Barringer” is a powerful grade 2 ride for Gravidia! When this unit enters the field, if you have a Meteorite in your Order Zone, you can Soul-Blast 3 to draw a card and give this unit an additional +5000 Power! Furthermore, this unit also gains a continuous +5000 Power buff if your drop and Order zone have a total of five or more Set Orders!
Gravidia Barringer serves as a powerful attacker, gaining an additional +10 000 Power through its own abilities! This card puts the Soul-Charge from “Neatness Meteor Shower” to good use by cycling the deck further for more key pieces and powering itself up! This is definitely a card you want on the board when Nordlinger’s ability is fully activated!

Leading the Gravidia aliens is “Gravidia Nordlinger”! This behemoth has ascended to become one of the most threatening Space Dragons, and it wields the power of the Meteorites to rain down destruction on your enemies!
When this vanguard is placed, you can put two Meteorite cards in your deck into your Order Zone! This ability increases your Meteorite count in preparation for Gravidia Nordlinger’s second ability!
When this vanguard attacks, you can Counter-Blast 1 to put one or more Meteorites in your Order Zone into your drop to give this unit an additional +15 000 Power! If you put three or more Meteorite cards into your drop this way, it gains an extra Critical! But if you put five or more, your trigger effects can activate twice!
This unique effect allows you to amp up the pressure on your opponent! Not only does it make your vanguard attack even more threatening, it also makes your trigger checks even more dangerous, as they can significantly strengthen your units’ attacks! Just imagine if you are able to reveal a Critical trigger and “Star Dragon Deity of Infinitude, Eldobreath” during your drive check!

The Gravidia ride line harness the power of “Neatness Meteor Shower” to unleash terror upon foes! This interesting Set Order can be played as a 16-of in your deck; this helps Gravidia Nordlinger to more consistently attain its full attack potential, as it requires 5 Meteors to be discarded from the Order Zone.
When this Order is put into your Order Zone, you can Soul-Charge 1! Furthermore, you can draw a card if it was put by your vanguard’s ability! Thus, you’ll be able to accumulate soul for cards like “Gravidia Wells” and “Gravidia Barringer”! Furthermore, you can regain your card advantage when Gravidia Nordlinger puts these Orders into the Order Zone by its first ability!
Do note that these Set Orders are grade 1, so you can already begin to load your Order Zone with copies of this card early in the game before you unload Gravidia’s full power on turn 3!
Finally, when “Neatness Meteor Shower” is put into drop from the Order Zone, you can retire one of your opponent’s rear-guards! On its own, you already have a great card to get rid of the opponent’s key pieces; but combining with Nordlinger’s ability, you’re able to get rid of their entire board for essentially no cost!

A great card to play in the Gravidia deck is “Gravidia Stanner”! This card gains an additional +5000 Power and +5000 Shield if your drop and Order Zone have a total of five or more Set Orders, so it will be an effective attacker and defender for Gravidia!
As the deck doesn’t really run many cards outside of “Neatness Meteor Shower”, cards that play a dual purpose on offense and defense will have a greater role in the deck to defend you well! Furthermore, Stanner also serves as an additional body on the board that could potentially benefit from Nordlinger’s double trigger effect!

“Gravidia Orgueil” could also be considered in your deck! When this rear-guard attacks or boosts, if your Order Zone has three or more Meteorites, you can Soul-Blast 2 to Counter-Charge 1 and give this unit an additional +5000 Power!
This unit could be helpful in regenerating Counter-Blast for Nordlinger’s ability, while also being a great presence on the board for its attack and boost Power bonus! Of course, the soul cost for Orgueil’s ability is quite hefty, so playing more Meteorites and managing soul is quite important.
Key Tips
For this deck, it is imperative that your Meteorite count in your deck is high so that you can consistently activate Nordlinger’s ability. Even though you do have cards that can help you scour through your deck for these Set Orders, it’s best that you maximise your deck potential with as many of these Meteorites as possible.
Other than this, you also need to be very careful with guarding. With the high Order count, you will have a reduced total Shield count in your deck, and this may be a detriment on defense. Thankfully, there are cards like Gravidia Stanner that help with defense. You could also consider running more unit cards in the deck to reduce this defensive gap.
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Flagburg Ride Line
Last but not least, Stoicheia also receives “Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon” as another strong vanguard! Reminiscent of the Aqua Force clan, Flagburg Dragon is able to become more powerful as you unleash a torrent of attacks on your opponent with your other marine allies!
This deck revolves around attacking your opponent a certain number of times in order to activate Flagburg Dragon’s full ability! With access to many cards that can re-stand your other units to achieve this, this deck is certainly quite formidable in dishing out damage with relentless attacks!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Grade | Quantity |
Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon | 3 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Ascendance Assault | 2 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Inroad Shooter | 1 | 4 (1 in ride deck) |
Officer Cadet, Charicles | 0 | 1 (1 in ride deck) |
Aggress Blue Dragon | 2 | 4 |
Sylvan Horned Beast, Agleo | 2 | 2 |
High Rate Burst Dragon | 1 | 4 |
Conspiring Mutant, Admantis | 1 | 4 |
Prized Trident | 1 | 3 |
Planar Prevent Dragon (Perfect Guard) | 1 | 4 |
Aspiring Maiden, Alana (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Abyss Temptation (Critical) | 0 | 4 |
Lost Child of Attachment (Draw) | 0 | 3 |
Elegy Pixy (Heal) | 0 | 4 |
Source Dragon Deity of Blessings, Blessfavor (Over Trigger) | 0 | 1 |

“Officer Cadet, Charicles” is the First Vanguard for the Flagburg ride line! Sharing the same ability as all first vanguards, Charicles wields its dual pistols to warn enemies about the impending waves of attacks!

“Inroad Shooter” is the grade 1 ride for Flagburg Dragon! When this unit is rode upon by “Ascendance Assault”, you can call this card to the field! This increases your board presence early into the game, allowing you to begin your assault on your opponent’s vanguard! This will also be important to activate this card’s second ability!
Other than this, “Inroad Shooter” gains Intercept and an additional +2000 Power if your vanguard is “Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon” or “Ascendance Assault”! As such, this card will be especially helpful on offense and on defense!

The grade 2 ride for Flagburg Dragon, “Ascendance Assault” is also quite formidable! When this unit is rode upon, you can Soul-Blast 1 (other than this card) to call this to the field! Furthermore, you could reveal a “Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon” or an “Inroad Shooter” in your hand to pay for this cost!
Similarly to “Inroad Shooter”, this card helps to fill your board with helpful attackers! This ability also ties in with its second ability, which can be activated as a rear-guard!
When your other rear-guard attacks a vanguard, if your vanguard is “Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon”, you can Counter-Blast 1 to Stand this unit! This plays into the multi-attack strategy of the deck, and allows you to increase the number of attacks done to reach Flagburg Dragon’s full potential!

“Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon” breaks through the storm with a defiant roar! As you continue your methodical offensive strategy, Flagburg Dragon becomes even more powerful! When this vanguard attacks a vanguard, you can Counter-Blast 1 to perform a number of effects according to the number of attacks you made this turn!
If three or more attacks were made, you can draw a card! If four or more were made, you can retire two of your opponent’s rear-guards! Should you be able to achieve five or more attacks this turn, Flagburg Dragon gains an additional +10 000 Power, and your opponent must use three or more guardians from hand to defend against this attack!
Flagburg Dragon’s vanguard attack is extremely powerful, allowing you to increase your hand size, get rid of the opponent’s key pieces and force even more cards out of your opponent’s hand! However, it requires you to attack multiple times during your turn! As such, your other cards that allow you to multi-attack should also be played alongside it! (“Ascendance Assault”, “Aggress Blue Dragon” and “High Rate Burst Dragon” are just a few of such cards.)

To aid Flagburg Dragon’s multi-attack strategy, you can use “Aggress Blue Dragon”! After this rear-guard attacks a rear-guard, you can Soul-Blast 1 to Stand this unit!
This card is able to enable multi-attack for the deck for relatively low cost, allowing you to progress to fully activating Flagburg Dragon’s ability! However, do note that your opponents could counter “Aggress Blue Dragon” by not committing rear-guards to their front row. (Such opponents may be using decks like Greedon and Baromagnes, which can remove their front row rear-guards easily.)

Another great support is “High Rate Burst Dragon”! When this rear-guard is called, if your vanguard is “Flagship Dragon, Flagburg Dragon”, you can give your other rear-guards this ability: when this unit attacks, if it is the first battle of this turn, you can Counter-Blast 1 and Soul-Blast 1 to Stand this unit!
Similarly to “Aggress Blue Dragon”, this card helps you achieve more attacks in a turn in order to unlock Flagburg Dragon’s potential! Of course, the effect that this unit confers is only active during the first battle, so you’ll need to plan your attacks, such that your most powerful rear-guard can capitalise on the re-stand!

“Prized Trident” is a great resource generator for Flagburg Dragon! When your other unit attacks during the fifth battle of this turn, you can put this rear-guard into soul to Counter-Charge 1!
This card helps to increase your soul and Counter-Blast for your other abilities, and its activating condition is relatively easy to achieve with all the cards that enable re-standing!

You could consider using “Sylvan Horned Beast, Agleo” with Flagburg Dragon! By retiring this rear-guard, you can buff two of your units with a helpful +5000 Power!
Agleo could be beneficial in strengthening your key attackers like “Agress Blue Dragon” and “Ascendance Assault”! Furthermore, it removes itself from the field, allowing you to commit other helpful rear-guards on the field to boost your offensive!
This card is already available in D Booster Set 01: Genesis of the Five Greats, so do have a look at that set if you would like to use this!

Another helpful card is “Conspiring Mutant, Admantis”! By calling this rear-guard, you can buff another rear-guard with +5000 Power!
Just like Agleo, Admantis helps to buff your attacking rear-guards to hit for even higher numbers! However, it also helps as a booster to hit optimal numbers with your other grade 2 rear-guards! This card is also available in D Booster Set 01 so you can get your hands on it right now!
Key Tips
In order to maximise this deck’s offensive potential, Persona Ride is especially important! Your rear-guards will be able to capitalise on the continuous front row buff relatively easily as a result of their re-standing capabilities! As such, you could consider using cards that increase your hand size by card draw or cards that can help obtain a copy of your vanguard! (An example of this is “Hydrorail Dragon”!)
On the other hand, you also need to be careful against decks that can remove your field quite easily, as this deck does not have very effective ways of increasing board presence. (Such decks include Bruce and Eugene.) Try not to commit too many cards to the field unless you’re ready to finish the game.
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Support for Chakrabarthi Divine Dragon, Nirvana

Vairina evolves into a new form: “Vairina Exspecta”! You can Overdress this card over another unit in the Overdress state, so you can make use of your Overdressed units that do not have an impact on the board anymore! (For instance, base form “Vairina” or “Vairina Arcs”.) This also ties in with its second ability!
Exspecta gains all the original Power of all of its originalDress! As such, the more originalDress you have on Exspecta, it will get more powerful! Expect to see this rear-guard to hit 28 000 Power easily! (5000 Power from “Trickstar” and 10 000 Power from a grade 2 Vairina form.) It’s also important to note that this Power is retained even on your opponent’s turn, so it will be even harder for your opponent to remove Exspecta from the field by attacking into it!
Finally, by using Exspecta to attack a grade 3 or greater vanguard while it is in the overDress state, you can Counter-Blast 1 to give it an additional +15 000 Power and a Critical! However, you need to put all your originalDress into the drop after it attacked.
This final ability works like a final burst of Power to further increase Exspecta’s attack pressure. By combining this with Nirvana’s buff to your overDress units, Exspecta will be able to attack with immense Power and pressure that can end games!

Another great support for Nirvana is “Blaze Maiden, Ximena”! By calling this rear-guard, you can Counter-Blast 1 to add a card with the overDress ability from the top seven cards of your deck!
Ximena simply helps to increase the consistency of your Nirvana offense, allowing you to filter through your deck for your ideal Vairina variants! Given the many overDress units that you run in your deck, you’re more than likely to obtain a card from Ximena’s ability.

An interesting card that you could consider is “Prayer of Resonating Wishes”! By paying 1 Counter-Blast, you give your vanguard this ability: When your rear-guard is placed, if it was an overDress, you draw a card and give this unit +5000 Power!
This card helps you to retain your card advantage whenever you overDress while strengthening your vanguard attack! “Prayer of Resonating Wishes” works very well with “Vairina Exspecta” and “Vairina Valiente”, which can overDress over other overDress units to continue the cycle!

Another card that performs a similar role to “Prayer of Resonating Wishes” is “Blaze Fist Monk, Tenji”! When your rear-guard is placed, if it was an overDress, you draw a card and discard a card from hand!
Tenji allows you to cycle through your deck as you play your overDress units, but it works even better with Prayer of Resonating Wishes! Combining both cards with your overDress units allows you to go through your deck even more and generate a huge hand, all while buffing your vanguard!
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Support for Artillery of Dust Storm, Eugene

An amazing card for Eugene is “Howitzer of Dust Storm, Dustin”! By calling this rear-guard while your vanguard is “Heavy Artillery of Dust Storm, Eugene”, you can put a card from hand into soul to draw a card and retire one of your opponent’s grade 2 or greater rear-guards!
This ability allows you to cycle through your deck for your key pieces, increase your soul count, and remove enemy units for free! This ability allows you to save your resources for other powerful cards!
Other than this, you can Soul-Blast 1 to give Dustin +2000 Power for each of your opponent’s open rear-guard circles when it attacks! This allows it to be a significant attacker, potentially gaining +10 000 Power for low cost! (Given how you generate soul very easily in Eugene decks.)

Another helpful card is “Twin Strike of Dust Storm, Orlando”! Its first ability allows you to Counter-Blast 1 to call this card in soul to the field if your opponent’s rear-guard was retired that turn, allowing you to increase your board presence easily for low cost! (Eugene decks doesn’t use Counter-Blast much, outside of “Dragritter, Iduriss”.)
Orlando can also be put to soul when your grade 3 or greater vanguard attacks to give your vanguard an additional +5000 Power, further buffing your vanguard’s attack and increasing your soul! In doing this, you also ensure that Orlando could be called again from soul the following turn to impact your board positively!

“Best Harvest” is one of the most amazing cards for Eugene! By playing this Normal Order, your vanguard gains this powerful ability: when your opponent’s rear-guard is retired during the main phase, you draw a card!
This card is phenomenal in Eugene solely because of its potential to generate significant hand advantage just by executing Eugene’s game plan: retiring your opponent’s rear-guards. You’ll be able to survive longer into the game with more defensive pieces in hand, and you can cycle through your deck for your important key pieces! This is definitely something that you should be playing alongside Eugene to gain huge upsides on the battlefield!

An interesting card to consider is “Dragritter, Shihab”! By calling this rear-guard, this unit gains +5000 Power, allowing it to be an effective booster and attacker!
However, Shihab’s second ability is more unique. When you would ride from your ride deck, you can put this rear-guard into soul instead of discarding a card from hand for that cost! This allows you to conserve your hand and increase your soul for free.
You can commit Shihab onto the field early in the game for instant offense, and then use its ability to conserve your hand cards for riding.
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Support for Dragonic Overlord

“Stealth Dragon, Fushimachi Madoka” is a helpful card that supports “Dragonic Overlord” well! This unit gains +2000 Power and +5000 Shield if your opponent’s drop has four or more cards, but it gains an additional +5000 Shield if there are eight or more!
Overall, Fushimachi Madoka provides great defense for the deck! Given how easy this ability condition is, you can almost always guarantee that this card’s Shield will be 10 000 and above!

Dragonic Overlord players can also utilise “Steel Bullet of Dust Storm, Ethan”! When your vanguard’s attack hits, you can retire this rear-guard to draw a card and Counter-Charge 1!
Ethan works similarly to “Dragon Monk, Gojo”, but it also helps you regain your hand advantage! This ability will almost always be activated by Dragonic Overlord, given how its attack on a rear-guard is guaranteed to hit! As such, Ethan is a reliable tool that refuels much needed resources for Dragonic Overlord.

You could also consider using “Blast Artillery Dragon, Brachioforce”! When this rear-guard’s attack hits, you can retire this rear-guard to draw a card and retire one of your opponent’s rear-guards!
With the additional pressure from Dragonic Overlord, your opponent is more likely to allow Brachioforce’s attack to go through and guard Dragonic Overlord’s attack on their vanguard! As such, Brachioforce can decimate your opponent’s board consistently while increasing your hand size against unwitting opponents.
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Support for Diabolos, “Violence” Bruce

The Diabolos team recruits yet another powerful member: “Diabolos Returner, Deryc”! On its own, it is a powerful attacker that gains +5000 Power if Final Rush is active. However, Deryck’s strength lies in its second ability.
By paying 1 Counter-Blast and putting a rear-guard to soul, you can retire one of your opponent’s rear-guards for every four cards in your soul! If Final Rush is active, you can look at the same number of cards from the top of your deck as your opponent’s open rear-guard circles, call any number of rear-guards from them, and put the rest to soul.
Deryck allows you to refill your board with other attackers and prepare for the Final Rush beatdown! This card is a must play beside “Diabolos Jetbacker, Lenard”! Should players try to deny Lenard’s ability by emptying their board, you can use Deryck to counter that strategy and swarm your field.

Another powerful supporter for Bruce is “Diabolos Madonna, Regina”. If Final Rush is active, you can Counter-Blast 1 and put two other rear-guards into soul to call a card in soul to the field, and this unit and that unit gain +10 000 Power for the turn!
You can use Regina to fix your board, putting in unneeded units on your field to soul (you can increase soul for Bruce’s ability) and calling a key attacker to the field like “Diabolos Boys, Eden”, Lenard and Deryck. Those attackers can also hit for higher numbers thanks to Regina’s buff!

A strong card to be considered by Bruce players is “Diabolos Striker, Bryan”. By paying 1 Soul-Blast, you can buff your front row units with a helpful +5000 Power! If Final Rush is active, you also give your vanguard an additional Critical!
Overall, Bryan helps to further strengthen your front row in preparation for Bruce’s Final Rush ability, but it also adds more pressure to your vanguard attack! Normally, players will let the vanguard attack go through as Bruce’s teammates tend to exert more pressure, but Bryan ensures that your opponent has to think twice about letting Bruce’s attack hit!

“Pandemonium Tactics” is a phenomenal order for Bruce. By paying 1 Counter-Blast, you can Soul-Charge 4. Then, if Final Rush is active, you can perform all of the following effects according to the number of cards in your soul.
If there are four or more cards, you draw a card. If there are eight or more cards, your front row units are buffed with 10 000 Power! Finally, if you are able to accumulate 12 or more cards in soul, you can give your vanguard an additional Critical!
While this card has similar uses as “Hellblast Full Dive”, it allows you to further increase your soul to pay for Bruce’s ability! This can be quite pertinent in situations that you are lacking soul.

An interesting card to consider is “Diabolos Girls, Belinda”. At the beginning of your main phase, you can Soul-Charge 1 if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater! If Final Rush is active, Belinda also gains +5000 Power!
Simply put, Belinda helps you to accumulate more soul for your other abilities! This can be especially pertinent in playstyles that revolve around amassing soul over the first three turns before using them together on your Final Rush turn! Belinda also becomes a helpful booster for your other attackers!

“Evil Eye of Prohibition, Quen Lu” is also a great card that Bruce players could run in their decks! By putting this rear-guard to soul, you can buff one of your rear-guards with +2000 Power! Furthermore, if you have seven or more cards in your soul, your opponent cannot normal guard with grade 1 or greater cards during the battle that a rear-guard attacked for this turn!
Overall, Quen Lu can be used to further strengthen one of your powerful attackers! Bruce is able to capitalise on Quen Lu’s guard restriction the most amongst the other Dark States ride lines as it re-stands your front row rear-guards, potentially allowing one of your rear-guards to attack with guard restrict capabilities twice in a turn!
An attacker that could work really well with Quen Lu is Eden due to its additional Critical when it is Stand by a card’s ability! (Bruce’s.)
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Support for Master of Gravity, Baromagnes

To aid Baromagnes, you can use “Steam Mage, Ashur-da”! This guardian gains +5000 Shield if your soul has seven or more cards, so it will be a consistent defender, given how easy it is for you to accumulate soul with Baromagnes.
Other than this, Ashur-da can be put to soul when it is retired from the guardian circle! This allows it to further increase your soul count to unlock Baromagnes’ full potential! Should you unlock Baromagnes’ full power, you can use its ability to call Ashur-da to the field to attack and defend!

One of the most potent cards for Baromagnes is “Keenly Loodely”. By calling this rear-guard while you have “Master of Gravity, Baromagnes” as your vanguard, you can Counter-Blast 1 to choose any number of normal units in your soul. This unit gains +5000 Power for each card chosen, and the chosen cards are returned to the deck!
You can use this card as a finisher for Baromagnes, as it attacks with high Power that most opponents find difficult to deal with in the late game! It’s also important to note that Keenly Loodely helps to increase your deck size again, so that you don’t lose by deck-out as a result of all the Soul-Charging that your deck does. You’re going to have to find some way to refill your soul to reactivate Baromagnes should Keenly Loodely be unable to finish off your opponent, but it won’t matter much as this card is usually the winning piece for your game.

“Desire Devil, Gouman” is also a powerful tool for Baromagnes! The main highlight of this card lies in its second ability, which forces your opponent to guard with two or more cards from hand for their turn when Gouman is put from the field to soul by your vanguard’s ability.
This is especially great with Baromagnes, which puts all rear-guards to soul when it is fully active. Thus, you can use Gouman to force the opponent to eke out at least six cards for the rest of your attacks! (One from Baromagnes, two from your other rear-guards.)
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Support for Apex Ruler, Bastion

A new way to enjoy Bastion comes in the form of “Heavenly Shock of Distinction, Lagrele”! When this rear-guard attacks a vanguard, you can Counter-Blast 2 and Rest any number of your other rear-guards such that Lagrele gains +5000 Power and the ability to perform drive checks! At the end of the battle, if three or less units were Rest this way, you discard three cards from your hand. If one or less units were Rest this way, you discard an additional two cards.
Lagrele thus serves as a powerful attacker that can end games! This is because of the additional pressure that it creates from its drive checks. You could potentially reveal more triggers during your drive checks for additional pressure, or reveal grade 3 cards to increase your attacks!
Of course, this card is most effective when you’re close to finishing off your opponent, as you won’t have to worry as much from a loss in hand advantage! If you’re intending to use Lagrele as your primary offensive option, be careful in managing your hand size and Counter-Blast!

An interesting card that you could consider is “Heavenly Incitation Above the Clouds, Blagar”! By calling this rear-guard while you have four or less cards in hand, you can Counter-Blast 1 to call a grade 3 unit card from the top five cards of your deck!
Blagar simply helps to increase your board presence, especially when you’re in a pinch from your low hand size! This card is definitely worth using in conjunction with Lagrele, given how you might be discarding quite a number of cards from your hand for Lagrele

An interesting Set Order to try out is “Pride to Protect”. You can discard a card from your hand to activate this Order, and all of your grade 3 rear-guards gain Boost!
Essentially, “Pride to Protect” fulfills the same role as “Dark Strain Dragon” for lower cost and longer impact! Of course, “Dark Strain Dragon” provides an additional body on the field and does not reduce your hand size; as such, both cards still have their uses with Bastion! It’s up to you to decide which option is more valid in your Bastion deck, but rest assured that either card will heighten your offense!
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Support for Hexaorb Sorceress

Hexaorb players can look forward to running “Magic of Objective, Kakarone” in their decks! By calling this rear-guard while your vanguard is “Hexaorb Sorceress” or “Pentagleam Sorceress”, you can Soul-Blast 1 to look at the top two cards of your deck, and arrange them on the top of your deck in any order!
This ability is similar to “Exquisite Knight, Olwein”, but it has greater offensive potential due to the fact that you can use it on your grade 2 turn, and that you could leave two triggers on the top of your deck!
Other than this, Kakarone is a great unit on the board, gaining +2000 Power and +5000 Shield if your vanguard is “Hexaorb Sorceress”. While it doesn’t have the same offensive output that Olwein gains when you reveal triggers during your drive check, Kakarone provides much needed defense with minimal requirements!

“Magic of Revelation, Tetris” is a powerful card that increases the consistency of Hexaorb decks! By calling this rear-guard, if your vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you can Counter-Blast 1 to add “Hexaorb Sorceress” from your deck into your hand!
Simply put, Tetris increases the consistency of Hexaorb by guaranteeing a Persona Ride the following turn! This allows you to further amp up your offense, as Hexaorb’s full potential is unleashed and your front row is significantly buffed!

A strong Order to consider is “Wish for Tomorrow”! If your opponent is grade 3 or greater, you can Counter-Blast 1, Soul-Blast 1 and reveal a Critical trigger or Front trigger from your hand to draw a card, and put the revealed card for this cost on top of your deck!
Essentially, this Order plays a similar role to Hexaorb on Persona Ride turns, allowing you to stack the deck with your powerful Triggers and overwhelm your opponent with high offensive Power! This Order will be even more powerful when combined with Hexaorb’s second ability, such that you can stack your deck with two guaranteed triggers!

A great support card for Hexaorb is “Magic of Appreciation, Nanaful”! When your drive check reveals a trigger unit, this rear-guard allows you to put a card from your hand into soul to draw a card!
Nanaful helps you to further cycle through your deck for your pieces and increase your soul count for your other abilities! It’s even more important to note that this ability can be used more than once per turn (as long as you reveal triggers during your drive check). On offensive turns when you can stack the deck with triggers, Nanaful pays out great dividends!

An interesting card to consider is “Easerod Angel”! By calling this rear-guard, you can Soul-Blast 1 to look at the top card of your deck. If it is a unit card, you can call it to a rear-guard circle in the same column as this unit.
While Easerod Angel can be used to increase your board presence, it can also be used to determine if the top card of your deck is a trigger! As such, you’ll be able to prepare your Hexaorb offense a little better!
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Support for Phantom Blaster Dragon

“Easerod Angel” is also a powerful unit for “Phantom Blaster Dragon”! By calling this card, you can Soul-Blast 1 to look at the top card of your deck, and call it to a rear-guard circle in the same column as this unit if it is a unit card.
Easerod Angel helps Phantom Blaster Dragon fill the board with rear-guards that it can consume for its ability! With such low cost, this card is definitely a must-play to reduce the need for you to commit cards from hand to the board for your abilities.

“Knight of Severe Punishment, Geld” is a much-needed card that supports Phantom Blaster Dragon well! When this rear-guard is retired for the cost of your card, you can add a “Blaster” card from the top three cards of your deck to your hand!
While this ability may not always activate, it is still a very potent way to gain advantage even when you retire your rear-guards for abilities! In order to make full use of Geld, you could consider running a few more “Blaster” cards in your deck!

“Drilling Angel” is another option that can be considered in Phantom Blaster Dragon decks! By calling this rear-guard, you can put a unit card in your drop into your soul to call a card with the same card name as the card put to soul from the top three cards of your deck!
Drilling Angel’s ability might be helpful occasionally to increase your board presence, but it can be used to return important Blaster units into soul so that you can use Phantom Blaster Dragon’s on-place ability to call it back to the field!
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Support for Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia

“Sylvan Horned Beast, Gabregg” is a powerful rear-guard that can end games! When your other unit in the same column as this rear-guard attacks, you can Soul-Blast 1 to give this unit +10 000 Power for the turn! Then, you choose all of your opponent’s rear-guards, and your opponent cannot normal guard with cards with the same grade as the chosen units for the battle that Gabregg attacked!
With this, Magnolia players have a strong attacker that limits your opponent’s defensive options! This card will be even more effective against your opponent’s full board, as it could potentially prevent your opponent from using Perfect Guards (since they are Grade 1) to block this attack! Use this card on your Persona Ride turn to further pressure your opponent!

“Sylvan Horned Beast, Enbarr” is another majestic creature that Magnolia players can consider! By calling this rear-guard or putting it on the guardian circle while your vanguard is “Sylvan Horned Beast King, Magnolia”, Enbarr gains +5000 Power and 5000 Shield for the turn! As such, this card is a multi-pronged tool that works on offense and defence for Magnolia!
Other than this, after this back row rear-guard attacked, you can return it to hand! This helpful ability allows you to either re-use Enbarr for an offensive push the following turn or protect your vanguard from your opponent’s attacks!

“Prized Trident” is an interesting card that Magnolia players could also consider using! When your other unit attacks during the fifth battle of that turn, you can put this rear-guard into soul and Counter-Charge 1!
It’s very clear that “Prized Trident” is a great resource generator, especially for Magnolia! By regenerating soul and Counter-Blast, you can better manage your resources going into another turn! Of course, it’s worth noting that this card will take up an extra circle on the field, lowering your offensive potential for that turn.

“In Search of an Ideal Far Away” is an intriguing Order that you could try out! When activated, one of your units will gain +5000 Power for the turn whenever your other units attack!
This powerful Order can be used to further buff one of your rear-guards! A card that synergises well with this is “Sylvan Horned Beast, Giunosla”, as you can significantly buff Giunosla to give even more Power to another rear-guard!
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Support for Mysterious Rain Spiritualist, Zorga

Zorga mains, you can enhance your deck with “Shadowcloak”! By calling this card from hand, you can discard from your deck any order card that is not in the drop! Previously, you were limited to discarding Normal Orders by manually activating them or discarding them from hand. “Shadowcloak” allows you to set up your drop with ideal Normal Orders to prepare for Zorga’s Alchemagic!
Other than this, you can Soul-Blast 1 when you play an order to give “Shadowcloak” a helpful +5000 Power, allowing it to be a helpful attacker! Furthermore, if that order was Alchemagic, you can return one of your other rear-guards to hand! You could utilise this to reuse your rear-guards’ on-place abilities (A great example of this is “Inheritance Maiden, Hendrina”.), or put a revived rear-guard back into hand for later use! (You could call a Perfect Guard and return it to hand for defense!)

“Death-inviting Black-magic” is another powerful Normal Order that becomes even stronger with Alchemagic! By paying Counter-Blast 4, you can draw two cards. Furthermore, this cost is reduced by 1 Counter-Blast for each card in your bind zone!
Though “Death-inviting Black-magic” has a steep cost for its effect, this card has huge potential when you Alchemagic with it! Alchemagic allows you to combine the power of two orders as one, and this card will help to reduce the overall cost for your Alchemagic!
For example, using this card with “Regurgitation from the Underworld” while you have 5 cards in your bind zone will reduce the total cost of your Alchemagic to 0! Of course, this neat trick can only work when “Death-inviting Black-magic” is cast from hand first, so you need to be very aware of the order in which you perform your Alchemagic combos!

A great card that further supports Zorga is “Miscreant Beating”. This rear-guard simply gains +5000 Power for each order card in your bind zone, allowing it to become an effective attacker that grows in strength as the game progresses! It’s worth noting as well that this Power is retained even on your opponent’s turn, so it will be much more difficult for your opponent to remove this rear-guard without field control abilities!

Another interesting card that you could consider is “Carrion Processing”! By paying 1 Counter-Blast and binding this rear-guard, you can add an order card in your drop to your hand!
You could use this to fetch orders in the drop to activate Alchemagic! Furthermore, “Carrion Processing” increases the number of cards in your bind zone, so the effects of cards like “Death-inviting Black-magic” and “Sleeve Tugging Belle” are further enhanced!

“Blooming Petal, Caryophyllus” is a great resource generator that can be easily used with Zorga! By calling this rear-guard while you have no cards in soul, you can Soul-Charge 2!
Should you ever find yourself with insufficient soul for your Alchemagic abilities, you can always call Caryophyllus to generate free soul! Furthermore, with cards like Zorga and “Spiritual Body Condensation” that can revive your units, it is extremely easy to call this card to the field whenever you need it!
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Support for Aurora Battle Princess, Seraph Snow

A great finishing tool for Seraph Snow players to consider is “Aurora Battle Princess, Execute Lemonun”! When this rear-guard attacks, you can Counter-Blast 1 and Soul-Blast 3 to Imprison three of your opponent’s rear-guards! If there are three or more cards in your Prison, Lemonun gains +10 000 Power! If there are five or more, it gains an additional Critical!
Overall, Lemonun is a powerful attacker that also has effective field control tools! With just one attack, you can activate your other card abilities! (Seraph Snow is just one example.) Of course, it’s important to note that this card’s ability cost is quite high, so you need to use its ability sparingly in games. Lemonun is best used as a finisher in conjunction with your vanguard’s Triple Drive and high Power!

Another great option for the Seraph Snow deck is “Aurora Battle Princess, Tra Bouquenvillea”! By calling this rear-guard, you can call one of your opponent’s Imprisoned units to one of your opponent’s open rear-guard circles. If you do, you can Imprison one of your opponent’s rear-guards!
Tra Bouquenvillea serves as a utility tool that swaps an Imprisoned unit with one of your opponent’s other rear-guards! This can be used to wreak havoc onto the opponent’s board, as you can call Imprisoned trigger units to their field and remove one of their key pieces! Of course, this card does not lead to an increase in the number of cards in your Prison, but it is a costless option that excels in field disruption and field control!

Seraph Snow players could also look into playing “Aurora Battle Princess, Cuff Spring”! By calling this rear-guard, you can force your opponent to imprison a card from their hand. If they did, they draw a card!
While Cuff Spring allows your opponent to cycle through their deck further for key pieces, it also increases the number of cards in your Prison, activating some of your card abilities! Furthermore, hand Imprison abilities are quite powerful, as it always removes an important card from your opponent’s hand. (Triggers are needed for defense, attackers will have to be bailed out from the Prison the following turn, and Order cards become deadweight entering the Prison.)
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Support for Cardinal Deus, Orfist

“Cardinal Draco, Destijade” is a powerful option that Orfist mains can look forward to using! This rear-guard gains +2000 Power if Dark Night is active, but it can become even stronger if Abyssal Dark Night is active instead, gaining +5000 Power! It’s worth noting that this Power gain is active even during the opponent’s turn, so Destijade will make it difficult for your opponent to remove if they do not have field control options.
However, the main strength of Destijade lies in its second ability, which allows it to Stand again after it attacks by retiring three Shadow Army tokens! As such, Orfist decks have a new dimension of multi-attack added to their arsenal. As the cost for this ability is quite hefty, Destijade’s re-stand will be most effective on Persona Ride turns to capitalise on the extra Power for a massive push.

Another great card that Orfist mains can consider is “Cardinal Fang, Rayosia”. By calling this rear-guard, you can add a World card from the top three cards of your deck! This allows you to cycle through your deck further for more of your World Set Orders and prepare the descent into the Abyssal Dark Night state.
Rayosia’s second ability is also quite powerful. If your vanguard is “Cardinal Deus, Orfist”, you can Soul-Blast 1 and retire this rear-guard to call a Shadow Army token to the field! Essentially, you’re replacing a weaker 8000 base Power rear-guard with a stronger 15 000 base Power rear-guard! This elevates your offensive Power, while also filling your board with Shadow Army tokens for other abilities should you not have the Counter-Blast for Orfist’s ability. (For example, “Cardinal Noid, Thumborino” and Destijade.)

“Overcoming an Eternity” is one of the more important World Set Orders for Orfist. By paying 2 Soul-Blast to play this World, your Shadow Army tokens gain +5000 Power for the turn when placed! Other than this, it has the characteristic World ability that other World Set Orders have.
This Set Order helps to buff your Shadow Army tokens even further! As this World can be stacked, you could play multiple of this Order to buff your called Shadow Army tokens with massive Power!
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D Booster Set 03 has an array of cards that you definitely want to get! With upgrades for your favourite decks, and the introduction of new ride lines, you’ll be able to have even more fun playing Vanguard in unique and exciting ways! Don’t miss out on this booster set, coming to you on December 17!