CARDFIGHT!! VANGUARD overDress is the latest iteration of the 10 year running game of Cardfight!! Vanguard. Recently, the D Booster Set 02: A Brush with the Legends was released for the Standard format, introducing two new but familiar ride lines and supporting the previous ten ride lines from D Booster Set 01: Genesis of the Five Greats and the 5 Start Decks. Once again, thank you for your commitment and dedication to this game! We hope that you will continue to play and enjoy Vanguard, in whatever capacity possible.
Now, let’s get into the latest sets! D Lyrical Booster Set 01: Lyrical Melody and D Lyrical Trial Deck 01: Ahoy! Lyrical Monasterio! are the upcoming set releases containing cards that support the newest nation, Lyrical Monasterio! In this article, we’ll be taking a closer look at the six new ride lines introduced for the nation!
- What is Lyrical Monasterio?
- Astesice Ride Line
- Clarissa Ride Line
- Alestiel Ride Line
- Loronerol Ride Line
- Wilista Ride Line
- Feltyrosa Ride Line
- Conclusion
The former nation of Magallanica consisted of Aqua Force, Granblue and Bermuda Triangle. Instead of joining the other two clans in Stoicheia, Bermuda Triangle took a different path, forming their own nation: Lyrical Monasterio!
This nation consists of a city-state residing on top of a gigantic flying whale, and many divas and idols call this city their home! Lyrical Monasterio welcomes any aspiring idol to their
nation, regardless of their race or background. Whether you’re a mermaid, dragoroid, angel, warbeast, human or vampire, Lyrical Monasterio is more than willing to accept you!
In this first set of Lyrical Monasterio, there are a multitude of decks for you to try out! Furthermore, there are also an assortment of Over Triggers and Perfect Guards with different illustrations for you to choose based on your liking!
Lyrical Monasterio Over Trigger:
When this card is revealed during a drive check, for the rest of the game, all of your rear-guards gain +10 000 Power during their turn!

(From left to right) Greatest Star, Esteranza, Mysterious Twins, Romia and Rumia, Demonic Fever, Garviera, Fantastic Fur-nale, Catrina, and Blessing Diva, Grizael
Lyrical Monasterio Perfect Guards:
Just like the other Five Great Nations, these Perfect Guards are able to be used without cost if you have one or less cards in hand!

(From left to right) Determined Cheerfulness, Sarka, Soapy Splash, Riviera, Diva of Refreshing Calm, Christine, Musical Committee, Nicolene, and Unwelcoming in Private, Desiel
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Astesice Ride Line
Introduced in the D Lyrical Trial Deck: Ahoy! Lyrical Monasterio!, this deck is the first build to be released for Lyrical Monasterio! Led by “Astesice, Kairi”, the Astesice idol group works together to put on the best performances for their fans!
This deck focuses on multi-attack by returning rear-guards to hand during the battle phase, before re-calling them to the field to attack once more! It can be a very complex deck with many possible combos, but it has great offensive potential that definitely should not be ignored!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Quantity | Grade |
Astesice, Kairi | 4 (1 in ride deck) | 3 |
Astesice, Kiyora | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 2 |
Astesice, Nanami | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 1 |
Astesice, Mion | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 0 |
Capriccio of Circulating Star, Ingrid | 4 | 3 |
Selfie Practice, Anneliese | 2 | 3 |
Brilliance and Elegance, Aerith | 4 | 2 |
Dedicated Serenade, Eleonore | 1 | 2 |
Munching Girl, Seeya | 4 | 1 |
Join Grasp, Ernesta | 4 | 1 |
Diva of Refreshing Calm, Christine (Perfect Guard) | 4 | 1 |
Truehearted Ruby (Normal Order/Gem) | 4 | 0 |
Astesice, Misa (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Astesice, Kanami (Heal) | 4 | 0 |
Grinning Dragon Scale, Ilse (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Knowledge as Power, Saskia (Draw) | 3 | 0 |
Mysterious Twins, Romia and Rumia (Over Trigger) | 1 | 0 |

For the Astesice ride line, the First Vanguard is Astesice, Mion. The youngest of the group, Mion is still extremely hardworking and talented, and will go all out for the idol group to succeed!

You can rely on Astesice, Nanami to begin gaining an advantage over their opponent! When it is ridden, you can call a grade 1 or less card from their drop to the field as Rest! This ability allows you to essentially gain a free rear-guard that can be used as an attacker the following turn!
Other than this, Nanami can gain +2000 Power for the turn when called to the field. It’s nothing too flashy, but it could be what you might need for a small oomph for your offensive push!

Next, the grade 2 Astesice, Kiyora allows you to play an aggressive early game without getting punished! When this vanguard attacks, you can return one of their rear-guards to their hand! Simply put, you can commit some powerful rear-guards on their grade 2 turn, and reclaim those cards into your hand to maintain card advantage!
Kiyora could also serve as a helpful attacker for the deck, giving itself +5000 Power during the battle that it attacked while boosted!

The leader of the Astesice idol group stands strong and tall, ready to take on any challenge! Astesice, Kairi is an extremely powerful vanguard, being able to return two rear-guards to hand when it attacks all for 1 Soul-Blast! Furthermore, after it attacks, if you performed Persona Ride this turn, you can call two cards from their hand to rear-guard circles in different rows!
Overall, the main strategy of this deck lies in multi-attacking by bouncing rear-guards back into hand and re-calling them to the field during the battle phase! This strategy is quite powerful, allowing you to potentially attack up to 6 times a turn! This is especially more potent when Persona Ride is active. Because the front row power buff remains active throughout the turn, all front row rear-guards called during the turn will be able to enjoy the greater power and pressure the opponent even further!
key cards:

One great card for the Kairi ride line is Brilliance and Elegance, Aerith. When it attacks while boosted and Kairi is the vanguard, you can Counter-Blast 1 and call a card from their hand to an open rear-guard circle!
Simply put, Aerith allows you to further make use of their multi-attack strategy, even from turn 3! This is because Kairi’s second ability is only active if you persona rode that turn. Other than this, Aerith’s potential with other support like Ingrid, Eleonore and Anneliese is quite clear. These mentioned cards remove themselves from the field after they attacked, allowing you to attack with Aerith to call yet another rear-guard and further their offensive strategy!

Munching Girl, Seeya is also another important card for the deck! By calling this to a rear-guard circle, you can Soul-Blast 1 to look at the top card of their deck, and call that card to an open rear-guard circle or add it to hand!
Seeya just provides great value for you at any point in the game! You can use this card to generate an early offensive push for close to no cost. What’s more, Seeya is a great card to pair with Kairi! You can use this card during their main phase, before using Kairi’s abilities to return Seeya and re-call it to the field, activating this once more! Of course, you would need to manage their soul usage to pull off such a combo, but thankfully there are cards like Selfie Practice, Anneliese that help replenish such resources!

A great card to consider for the deck is Capriccio of Circulating Star, Ingrid! When it is called to the field other than from hand, you can Counter-Charge 1 and stand one other rear-guard in the same column as this unit! This allows you to potentially replenish key resources and increase the overall Power of attacking columns! It’s possible that you can superior call this card with Seeya’s ability to further maximise its usage.
However, the more important aspect of Ingrid lies in its second ability. Ingrid can attack and gain a helpful +5000 Power for that battle, and after it attacks, it is put to the bottom of the deck, which helps to open up an empty rear-guard circle that Kairi and Aerith can take advantage of to call an additional rear-guard to attack!

You could also give Dedicated Serenade, Eleonore a try in your deck. By Soul-Blasting 2 when this rear-guard attacks, you can give Eleonore a powerful +15 000 Power buff! Furthermore, this card is placed on top of the deck after it attacks!
While the power buff is great for Eleonore to pressure the opponent more, this card can be important in the deck as it removes itself from the field, allowing Aerith and Kairi to make full use of the empty rear-guard circles and call more rear-guards! Of course, you need to be mindful that Eleonore requires quite a bit of soul to activate its ability, so be aware of their resource usage.

A really great card for the Kairi ride line is Selfie Practice, Anneliese. After this rear-guard attacked while boosted, you can put this card into soul to give a rear-guard a helpful +5000 Power!
Anneliese fulfills three roles in the deck. Firstly, it helps to buff another rear-guard to further pressure your opponent. Secondly, as mentioned with Ingrid and Eleonore, it removes itself from the field to allow Aerith and Kairi to take advantage of their inherent multi-attack abilities. Lastly, Anneliese helps to replenish soul! In a deck that can be potentially quite soul-reliant, Anneliese helps you to better manage resources and maximise your deck’s potential!

While this may seem unorthodox, Truehearted Ruby actually is a great card in the deck! By paying 1 Counter-Blast, you can draw two cards and discard a card from your hand. You also put this Normal Order into their soul.
This card is normally run in conjunction with Wilista (as we will see later!), but it also is very useful alongside Kairi! While this deck doesn’t use a lot of Counter-Blast, with cards like Kairi, Eleonore and Seeya, you may find yourself at a loss of soul for their card abilities. Not only does Truehearted Ruby cycle through the deck faster, it also replenishes soul for other card abilities! Furthermore, it also provides a use for Counter-Blast, given that the only other card in the deck that uses Counter-Blast is Aerith!
Key Tips:
1. Resource management
You need to manage their resources well with Kairi, specifically soul. Given that there are many cards that have abilities requiring Soul-Blast, it is important that you use cards that can replenish this precious resource, or control their soul usage better.
2. Combos
This deck has many innate combos that you can definitely make use of in fights! With Persona Ride active with Kairi, Aerith as a multi-attack extender and Anneliese/Ingrid/Eleonore to clear rear-guard circles, you can easily achieve 6 high-powered attacks during their turn! It’s important that you take time to experiment and learn more about the intricacies of the deck!
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Clarissa Ride Line
One of the more popular idols in the nation, Clarissa is famous for being the leader of the “Earnescorrect” faction. With a great supporting cast, Clarissa is able to impact the game greatly with field control tools and immense board presence!
This deck focuses on gathering all “Earnescorrect” members to gain access to the powerful Order “ Aim to be the Strongest Idol!”, which allows you to battle many of the opponent’s key units in one powerful attack! Clarissa and the Earnescorrect members form an impressive offense that decimates anyone who stands in their way!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Quantity | Grade |
Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa | 4 (1 in ride deck) | 3 |
Accurate Interval, Clarissa | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 2 |
Serious Challenger, Clarissa | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 1 |
Dignified Will, Clarissa | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 0 |
Aim to be the Strongest Idol! (Normal Order) | 4 | 3 |
Earnescorrect Member, Evelyn | 4 | 2 |
Earnescorrect Member, Katalyn | 4 | 2 |
Friendship, Hilda | 3 | 2 |
Earnescorrect Supporter, Leona | 4 | 1 |
Earnescorrect Supporter, Trilby | 4 | 1 |
Determined Cheerfulness, Sarka (Perfect Guard) | 4 | 1 |
Greatest Star, Esteranza (Over Trigger) | 1 | 0 |
Grinning Dragon Scale, Ilse (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Glutton, Nora (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Aplomb Sight, Grete (Draw) | 3 | 0 |
Soft Light, Pruel (Heal) | 4 | 0 |

Dignified Will, Clarissa is the First Vanguard of the Clarissa ride line. While it may have the same ability as all starting vanguards, it is absolutely crucial that it is played in the ride deck as Serious Challenger, Clarissa requires it to be the starting vanguard of any Clarissa player.
However, with such amazing card art, Clarissa is showing the world what it takes to be a world class idol!

You will find that Serious Challenger, Clarissa is an integral part of the deck. By riding this card over “Dignified Will, Clarissa”, you can add a grade 1 or less “Earnescorrect” card from the top seven cards of your deck into your hand!
As Clarissa’s playstyle necessitates the use of other Earnescorrect members, this ability helps you obtain Earnescorrect cards to be used when Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa enters the battlefield!
Clarissa’s second ability also helps to apply some pressure on the opponent if you went second. If you have no rear-guards during their turn, this card gains a helpful +5000 Power. As such, it’s best to keep Earnescorrect cards in hand to be used later, and not for early game pushes.
Other than all of this, this card’s name will be necessary for the grade 2 version of Clarissa. Let’s have a look at Accurate Interval, Clarissa!

Accurate Interval, Clarissa is the main grade 2 ride of the Clarissa ride line. By riding this over “Serious Challenger, Clarissa”, you may Soul-Blast 1 to add a grade 2 or less “Earnescorrect” card from the top seven cards of your deck!
Similarly to Serious Challenger, Clarissa, this card helps you to quickly obtain their Earnescorrect cards to be used together with Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa!
Clarissa’s second ability is exactly the same as its grade 1 counterpart, allowing this unit to gain +5000 Power during your turn if you have no rear-guards. Of course, this ability will be more pertinent as this unit will be able to attack the opponent! (Compared to Serious Challenger, Clarissa, which may not be able to attack depending on which player goes first.)
This card’s name is also important for the Clarissa’s grade 3 version, so please use this card in your ride deck!

Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa is the vanguard of the Earnescorrect group, and is the main grade 3 ride of this deck!
When you ride this card over “Accurate Interval, Clarissa”, you may Counter-Blast 1 to add a “Aim to be the Strongest Idol!” from your deck into your hand! This Order is especially powerful, elevating your deck’s potential and wreaking havoc on your opponent!
Furthermore, Clarissa’s second ability allows you to draw a card and give an “Earnescorrect” rear-guard +5000 Power whenever this unit’s attack hits! This ability is meant to synergise with “Aim to be the Strongest Idol!” , by potentially removing the opponent’s key rear-guards, gaining significant card advantage and strengthening Earnescorrect members!
Key cards:

One of the other integral pieces of the Clarissa ride line, Aim to be the Strongest Idol is a powerful Order that takes the deck to the next level!
This Order can only be played if you have five or more units with “Earnescorrect” in their card names. Therefore, the grade 1 and grade 2 versions of Clarissa play an important role in gathering Earnescorrect members to be able to utilise this when Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa is on the field.
By playing this order, all “Earnescorrect” units gain +5000 Power until the end of turn! Furthermore, Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa will be able to attack the units on three chosen circles during its battle if your opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater!
With Aim to be the Strongest Idol!, you have an effective tool that significantly buffs your field of Earnescorrect units and effectively gets rid of enemy rear-guards! The clear synergy of this Order with Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa is also very apparent, because you can potentially gain more card advantage and further power up your Earnescorrect rear-guards when Clarissa’s attack hits more units!
One thing interesting to note about this Order is that it targets the vanguard circle or rear-guard circles, and not the units on the circles! So, this will be an effective counter against cards that have effects that prevent them from being chosen by player effects! (For example, Knight of War Damage, Fosado.)
With all the benefits that Aim to be the Strongest Idol! brings, you definitely need to play a full playset of this in your deck.

Another important card that aids Clarissa significantly is Earnescorrect Member, Evelyn. By calling this card when “Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa” is the vanguard, you may pay the cost to reveal one grade 2 or less card with “Earnescorrect” card from your deck, and call that unit to the field if you don’t already have a rear-guard with the same name!!
This ability is extremely beneficial as it calls any Earnescorrect member that are missing from the field! As such, the activation requirements of “Aim to be the Strongest Idol!” will be more easily met!
As Evelyn has “Earnescorrect” in its card name, you need to run this as a 4-of in the deck in order to maintain a field filled with different Earnescorrect units!

Earnescorrect Supporter, Leona is a great card for the Clarissa ride deck! When another “Earnescorrect” rear-guard is retired during the opponent’s turn while this unit is on the field, you may Soul-Blast 1 and discard a card to put that retired unit to hand!
You will be able to retain some of their Earnescorrect key pieces should the opponent attempt to get rid of them! Leona also contributes as an Earnescorrect card, supporting the usage of Aim to be the Strongest Idol! As such, this is another card that you need to run as a 4-of in your deck!

One strong attacker for the Clarissa ride line is Earnescorrect Member, Katalyn. When the attack of “Earnescorrect Leader, Clarissa” on the vanguard circle hits, you can Counter-Blast 1 and discard a card to Stand this unit!
This introduces multi-attack patterns into the Clarissa ride line, allowing you to attack at least four times! Of course, the cost to do this may be a bit hefty, but you need not worry. Clarissa helps to replenish the cards lost with its second ability, and there aren’t many cards in the deck that use a lot of Counter-Blast!
Furthermore, Katalyn needs to be run as a 4-of in the deck due to it bearing the Earnescorrect name, maximising opportunities to use the Order!

Finally, Earnescorrect Supporter, Trilby helps to be a powerful attacker or booster for the deck, as it gains +5000 Power whenever your vanguard attack hits!
This ability simply helps to strengthen attacking columns even further; Trilby can potentially gain +15 000 Power if all of the vanguard attacks hit! As Trilby also has the Earnescorrect name, do run a full playset of this in your deck as well!
You should definitely consider using Trilby as a booster for either Clarissa or Evelyn to attain ideal attacking numbers. (In the case of Evelyn, that card has a base Power of 8 000, so boosting it with Trilby might be a good idea to allow it to still hit the opponent!)
Key tips:
1. Protect your rear-guards!
As this deck is very reliant on Earnescorrect cards, you need to use their cards wisely! Only use Earnescorrect cards on offensive pushes, and otherwise keep them in hand or let them be in the deck. This deck may struggle against more control matchups like Seraph Snow or Eugene, but it can overcome them if you are careful not to overcommit to the field.
2. Early Game
This deck isn’t really meant for the early game, given how both the grade 1 and grade 2 versions of Clarissa gain benefits if you choose not to call rear-guards. You need to be ready to take hits, or defend against the opponent early!
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Alestiel Ride Line
Lyrical Monasterio is also home to a very humble but affable personality: Alestiel! This angel pleases the crowd with heavenly singing, and is able to switch styles in combat to fit the situation! This deck revolves around the Twin Wings system: based on the type of grades of cards in the bind zone, certain effects are activated! If the bind zone only contains cards with odd grades, White Wings is active; conversely, Black Wings is active if there are only cards with even grades in the bind zone.
By using and combining the effects of the Twin Wings, you can unleash angelic wrath onto their opponent! Alestiel is a highly technical deck, so be very careful when playing this deck in order to maximise its full potential!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Quantity | Grade |
Archangel of Twin Wings, Alestiel | 4 (1 in ride deck) | 3 |
Shining-As-Is, Alestiel | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 2 |
Indecisive Sky, Alestiel | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 1 |
Monochromic Personality, Alestiel | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 0 |
Incessant Vocal, Elkel | 4 | 3 |
Brainy Player, Bibbuel | 4 | 3 |
Heavenly Recital, Emmael | 4 | 2 |
Wings with Heavenly Glow, Erimuel | 4 | 1 |
Little Peace, Prael | 4 | 1 |
Cloudless Heart, Miael | 3 | 1 |
Unwelcome in Private, Desiel (Perfect Guard) | 4 | 1 |
Original Style, Elshuka (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Glutton, Nora (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Diligent Follower, Siguel (Draw) | 3 | 0 |
Soft Light, Pruel (Heal) | 4 | 0 |
Blessing Diva, Grizael (Over Trigger) | 1 | 0 |

Monochromic Personality, Alestiel shows the enthusiasm and tenacity of Alestiel to excel on the highest stage! Just as all other First Vanguards, this card has the same ability and serves the purpose as them.

Indecisive Sky, Alestiel is the grade 1 ride for the Alestiel ride line. By riding this card, you can bind the top card of your deck. If White Wings is active, you can Soul-Blast 1 to ride from your ride deck the next turn! If Black Wings is active, the opponent’s grade 1 or less rear-guards cannot attack this vanguard!
No matter what Wing is active, you benefit! You can either save a card in their hand instead of discarding to ride from the ride deck, or prevent yourself from taking damage!

By riding into Shining As-Is, Alestiel, you can put a card in your bind zone to the bottom of their deck and bind another card from the top of your deck face up! If White Wings is active, you can Counter-Blast 1 to give this vanguard an additional Critical! If Black Wings is active, the opponent cannot guard with triggers from hand when it attacks!
While this grade 2 variant of Alestiel only serves its purpose as a vanguard, the benefits that it brings to the table should definitely not be ignored. No matter what Wing is active, Alestiel will bring forth offensive pressure that is quite uncommon among grade 2 rides in Standard!

Archangel of Twin Wings, Alestiel is the fully-fledged version of Alestiel, ready to embrace the power of its twin wings! At the beginning of your main phase, you can fetch a card in the bind zone into your hand and bind the top card of your deck face up! Should White Wings be active, Alestiel gains +5000 Power and an additional Critical! If Black Wings is active instead, all of the opponent’s units lose 5000 Power!
Alestiel is one of the more difficult cards in the format to master, but it will reward its users handsomely for skillful play! With these abilities, you can dictate how the opponent can respond to your attacks! By activating Alestiel’s White Wings ability, the opponent will be hard-pressed to commit more resources to guarding Alestiel’s attack. On the other hand, Alestiel’s Black Wings ability significantly weakens the opponent’s board, and forces more guard for all of your attacks!
You need to learn how each Wing style suits their current situation, so that you can maximise Alestiel’s benefits! However, it is also possible to use both Wings together for amazing effects! Let’s have a closer look at how this can be done!
Key cards:

One of the best cards to support Alestiel is Incessant Vocal, Elkel. Its first ability allows you to bind this unit and draw a card when your vanguard is placed! Not only does this ability help you to cycle through their deck and obtain more key pieces, it also ties into Elkel’s second ability!
When Elkel is bound, both White Wings and Black Wings effects become active until the end of the opponent’s turn! With this effect, you are able to utilise both Black Wings and White Wings support cards in harmony! Essentially, you will be able to harness the field disruption and Power reduction that Black Wings offer alongside the offensive pressure that White Wings give! With Elkel, the combos and interactions between White Wings and Black Wings cards can potentially be realised!
One thing that needs to be taken into consideration is that Elkel may disrupt the overall grades of cards in the bind zone, so you need to be extremely knowledgeable as to when they should use Elkel.

Another important card for Alestiel is Fleeting Longing, Baruel. By calling this card when Black Wings is active, you can Soul-Blast 1 to reduce one of the opponent’s units by 5000 Power for every two of your rear-guards! Furthermore, all of the opponent’s rear-guards with 0 or less Power are sent to the bottom of their deck!
Baruel serves as a great way to further weaken the opponent’s board, especially when Alestiel’s Black Wings ability also drains their Power; it also can help to remove pesky rear-guards that would otherwise be difficult to deal with.

Wings with Rainbow Glow, Erimuel significantly increases the offensive potential of the deck! If the opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater and White Wings is active, you can call Erimuel and pay 1 Counter-Blast to choose a rear-guard for every three of their units with odd grades, and they get +5000 Power and an additional Critical!
Simply put, Erimuel helps you to create an extremely threatening board! As such, this card is something that you should always have on hand in preparation for their offense.

Sometimes, you may need to fix the type of grades in the bind zone. Luckily, Brainy Player, Bibbuel is here to help! By Soul-Blasting 1 and retiring this rear-guard, you can draw a card and increase the grade of one of your trigger units in the bind zone by 1! This will be especially helpful in the situations that you do not have access to Elkel to enable both White Wings and Black Wings abilities.
Other than this, Bibbuel’s White Wings ability allows it to gain an additional +5000 Power and Shield, so it will be an effective attacker and defender for Alestiel!

Heavenly Recital, Emmael is another impactful card for the Alestiel ride line! After it attacks while boosted, you can return a card in your soul or one of your rear-guards to hand! If you chose a card from the soul, Emmael goes into the soul!
Emmael provides excellent, costless utility for the deck, allowing you to save important rear-guards to be used again or grab a copy of Alestiel in the soul for Persona Ride for the following turn. This card will definitely help to better the game position of any Alestiel player!

One card that you could consider is Magnificent Timbre, Lyudia. By calling this rear-guard, you can Counter-Blast 1 and put two revealed normal units in hand to the bottom of your deck to add a copy of your vanguard in the deck to hand!
This card’s purpose lies in fetching a Persona Ride that you can use the following turn. Of course, please be careful whenever you use Lyudia, as its ability cost may be quite hefty and damaging to your hand advantage, especially against more aggressive decks.
Key tips:
1. Wing management
One concern that you may have is that it may be difficult to guarantee the grade type of cards that enter your bind zone. As such, you will need to know when to use helpful cards like Elkel and Bibbuel that help to resolve such issues.
2. Resource management
While this deck may not seem very resource-intensive, using cards like Erimuel and Bibbuel multiple times may become very costly. As such, you need to recognise when to launch an offensive or when to hold back.
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Loronerol Ride Line
Another deck that was introduced for Lyrical Monasterio is one that revolves around Heartfelt Song, Loronerol. A Warbeast that has captivated the hearts of many, Loronerol is one of the most amazing idols in the nation! With the power of Songs, Loronerol can put on a great show and overwhelm foes!
This deck primarily focuses on Songs, which are Set Orders which have an additional effect when they are sung. With high power, guard restrict and Critical pressure, Singing with Loronerol has never been more fun!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Quantity | Grade |
Heartfelt Song, Loronerol | 4 (1 in ride deck) | 3 |
Blossoming Vocal, Loronerol | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 2 |
Throbbing Search, Loronerol | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 1 |
To Deliver a Song, Loronerol | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 0 |
Six-Flower Fractate (Set Order) | 4 | 3 |
Madder Red Runway (Set Order) | 2 | 2 |
Twilight Sound of Waves (Set Order) | 1 | 2 |
Romantic Happiness (Set Order) | 1 | 1 |
Honest Council President, Eknea | 4 | 2 |
Dancing Score, Elmer | 4 | 2 |
Fighting Spirit Recharge!, Louisa | 3 | 1 |
Soapy Splash, Riviena (Perfect Guard) | 4 | 1 |
Classy Breeze, Harriet | 4 | 1 |
Fantastic Fur-nale, Catrina (Over Trigger) | 1 | 0 |
Original Style, Elshuka (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Glutton, Nora (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Thick and Fluffy Siesta, Hilma (Draw) | 3 | 0 |
Peaceful Garden, Anika (Heal) | 4 | 0 |

To Deliver a Song, Loronerol, is the First Vanguard for the Loronerol deck. This card doesn’t do much, but the card art captures Loronerol’s dedication in training to become the best idol perfectly!

The main grade 1 ride for the Loronerol deck is Throbbing Search, Loronerol. When it is rode upon, you can put a grade 1 Song card from your deck or hand into the Order Zone! You will have to shuffle the deck if the Song was put from the deck, but you get to draw a card if the Song was put from hand!
This ability helps to increase the number of Songs in your Order Zone that the grade 3 Loronerol will be able to utilise later! Do note that this ability does not count towards the maximum number of Orders during your turn, so that means that you can still play a Song from hand during their grade 2 turn!
Furthermore, the draw that you get when you put a Song from hand is great for cycling through the deck and retaining hand advantage. Whether you put a Song from deck or from hand, you will always benefit from this ability!

Blessing Vocal, Loronerol is the main grade 2 ride of this deck. This vanguard gains +5000 Power if your Order Zone has a face up card, allowing it to be a powerful attacker during the early game!
Similar to its grade 1 counterpart, you can put a grade 2 Song card from your deck or hand into the Order Zone when riding over this unit! If you put from deck, shuffle your deck; if you put from hand, draw a card!
Once again, this ability helps to add more Songs to the Order Zone for Heartfelt Song, Loronerol to use! The draw from putting a Song from hand helps to filter the deck further and retains hand advantage.

To round off this deck, you have Heartfelt Song, Loronerol as the grade 3 ride! Loronerol sings the Songs that were accumulated in the Order Zone. (You activate the Song’s ability, and turn that card face down after that ability resolves.)
You can Counter-Blast 1 to sing a face up Song in your Order Zone during your main phase, and this ability can be used to sing Songs that can significantly buff the board! (For example, Madder Red Runway and Twilight Sound of Waves.)
By attacking with Loronerol while two or more face down cards are present in the Order Zone, you may activate this unit’s second ability to sing a face up Song in your Order Zone, and your opponent cannot guard with sentinels from hand for that battle!
This ability is extremely powerful with Six-Flower Fractate, which when sung, allows you to Stand rear-guards up to the number of face down cards in their Order Zone. Furthermore, Loronerol gains +10 000 Power for each card that was Stand by the Song’s effect. This ensures that Loronerol attacks the opponent’s vanguard with high Power and guard restrictions! With such powerful abilities and great synergy with Songs, any player going up against Loronerol will need to be extremely careful.
Key cards:

Honest Council President, Eknea is a great supporting card for Loronerol. Whenthis unit attacks during a turn that your vanguard has sung a Song, it gains +5000 Power! Furthermore, you can Counter-Blast 1 and discard a card to draw two cards!
This card is not only a strong attacker, it also helps you to filter the deck further for their key pieces! You can utilise Eknea to cycle through the deck quickly to find other important cards to be used the following turn! (For example, another copy of Six-Flower Fractate.) One thing to note is that this deck doesn’t really use Counter-Blast a lot, so you will have many opportunities to utilise this card’s ability to increase your hand advantage. Simple, but effective, Eknea provides much benefit to the Loronerol deck.

Another great card for the Loronerol deck is Fighting Spirit Recharge!, Louisa. By boosting with this unit during the turn that your vanguard sang a Song, it gains +5000 Power for that battle! Should it be in the back row center column, you also get to Counter-Charge 1!
Louisa would be important in replenishing Counter-Blast for Heartfelt Song, Loronerol and Honest Council President, Eknea. This card also helps to further strengthen the vanguard attack when it boosts, so Loronerol will be attacking for even higher power!

Because Loronerol runs a good number of Songs in the deck, you will need to have some defensive options that can provide significant protection against high-powered attackers. As such, Dancing Score, Elmer is an important card for the deck! By using this card to guard, you may Soul-Blast 1 to give this unit +5000 Shield for each card in your Order Zone!
As the game continues to progress, your Order Zone would slowly be filled with Songs. This allows Elmer to have an even stronger defensive presence when it is put onto the guardian circle! Elmer plays a similar role to Actual Analyst, Kokabiel, being a high value guardian in a deck that has fewer defenders due to the presence of the Set Orders. As such, this card ensures that you have sufficient time to execute your game plan!

You can utilise Six-Flower Fractate as your main win condition in their deck. When put into the Order Zone, you can use its first ability to flip a face down card in your Order Zone face up! Thus, you will be able to reuse Songs that were already sung once more with this!
Of course, this Song’s second ability is the main highlight of the card. When sung, you Stand the same number of rear-guards as the number of face down cards in your Order Zone! Furthermore, your vanguard gains +10 000 Power for each unit that was Stand by this effect for the rest of the turn!
Six-Flower Fractate provides immense pressure by increasing the number of attacks that you can achieve and significantly buffing the vanguard attack! Combined with Loronerol’s guard restrict, and an additional Critical from singing Madder Red Runway, Loronerol can decimate the opponent’s defenses and win games decisively with this card! As such, you should definitely grab a full playset of this to strengthen your deck substantially!

Madder Red Runway is a powerful Song that you should definitely run in your Loronerol build. When it is put into the Order Zone while the opponent’s vanguard is grade 3 or greater, you can draw a card! This helps you to regain some advantage against the opponent who has access to most of their offensive tools. (An exception to this is Bruce, as they will need to be in Final Rush to start playing offensively.)
Furthermore, when this Song is sung, your vanguard gets an additional Critical until the end of turn, pressuring the opponent with not one, but two damage if the vanguard’s attack hits!

One interesting Song for you to consider is Twilight Sound of Waves, as it gives your vanguard a helpful +5000 Power when it is put into the Order Zone! This provides a substantial buff for vanguard attacks that opponents may find more difficult to deal with.
Then, if this Song is sung, your front row units gain +5000 Power until the end of turn! This will be important in strengthening your rear-guards, as many of them do not attack for high numbers on their own! This will also be very powerful with Six-Flower Fractate, allowing you to maximise this buff by Standing rear-guards to attack once more!

Romantic Happiness is a grade 1 Song that can be put into the Order Zone by Throbbing Search, Loronerol. When sung, you draw a card and give your vanguard an additional +5000 Power until the end of turn!
Put simply, this Song helps to increase/retain card advantage and strengthens the attack of the vanguard! This Order can be easily searched out from the deck with Throbbing Search, Loronerol when it is rode upon, so you can run fewer copies of this in their deck and make room for other helpful cards!
Key tips:
1. Early Game
You need to be especially careful against aggressive decks such as Magnolia and Nirvana, which can do extremely well against this due to this deck’s weaker defensive prowess in the beginning of the game. If possible, you should mulligan your starting hand to obtain defensive anchors like Elmer to tide through the early offensive rush that these decks can have.
2. Number of Songs
You should also take note of the number of Songs already sung. While not a huge issue when Heartfelt Song, Loronerol is first ridden, it can become a bit more difficult to sing Songs later in the game. With the exception of Six-Flower Fractate which can turn Songs face up again, once a Song is sung, it is unlikely that it can be sung again. It’s possible to mitigate this issue by running more Songs in the deck, but the defensive options and key attacking pieces will have to be cut in order to do so. It would be much better if you sing your Songs wisely, only using them when necessary for a push. Using Six-Flower Fractate effectively would definitely help this as well!
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Wilista Ride Line
To make it big in Lyrical Monasterio, idols must also be very mindful of fashion trends! Wilista is one of those idols that holds the intrinsic value of precious jewels in high esteem. By capturing the power of these rare crystals, Wilista can unleash a powerful attack onto any enemy!
This deck revolves around using special Gems that can strengthen units and increase your card advantage. Then, make use of Prismagica, Wilista to release all the power that these Gems have accumulated!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Quantity | Grade |
Prismagica, Wilista | 4 (1 in ride deck) | 3 |
Expanding World, Wilista | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 2 |
Proof of Hard Work, Wilista | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 1 |
Brilliance in the Ore, Wilista | 1 (0 in ride deck) | 0 |
Attentive Deep Love, Ottilie | 4 | 3 |
Unrelenting Talent, Henrietta | 4 | 2 |
Tranquil Affection, Elivira | 3 | 1 |
Mini-live After School, Katina | 4 | 1 |
Musical Committee, Nicolene (Perfect Guard) | 4 | 1 |
Truehearted Ruby (Normal Order/Gem) | 4 | 0 |
Everlasting Sapphire (Normal Order/ Gem) | 4 | 0 |
Grinning Dragon Scale, Ilse (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Original Style, Elshuka (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Running Youth, Haida (Front) | 3 | 0 |
Languid Relaxation, Marguerite (Heal) | 4 | 0 |
Greatest Star, Esteranza (Over Trigger) | 1 | 0 |

The starting vanguard for the Wilista ride line is Brilliance in the Ore, Wilista! While it has the same ability as all First Vanguards, this card shows the tenacity of Wilista to excel as an idol!

Proof of Hard Work, Wilista is a massive help for the deck! When it is rode upon, you can put a card from your hand into the soul to add a Gem card from your deck to your hand! This not only increases the number of cards in soul for other helpful abilities (Such as Prismagica, Wilista’s abilities.), but also boosts the consistency of the deck by filtering out the important Gem cards that Wilista needs!
Other than this, when you play an order, you can Soul-Blast 1 to give this rear-guard +5000 Power for the turn, allowing it to be a beneficial offensive piece on the field!

Expanding World, Wilista helps you cycle through their deck even further! When you play a Gem card, you draw a card! This is an incentive for you to use your Gem cards early into the game to gain even more benefits! You could play Truehearted Ruby to dig further into your deck for key pieces, or use Everlasting Sapphire to initiate an early offensive push! Whatever card they use, Wilista is here to reward you for using these Gems early.
Wilista could also be a strong defender for the deck, as it gains +5000 Shield on the guardian circle for every two Gem cards in the drop! Thus, as the game progresses and you utilise more Gems, you will be able to rely on this card to help guard against the opponent’s offense.

Let’s now have a look at the main grade 3 of the deck: Prismagica, Wilista! This idol loves to collect precious gems and launch a high-powered attack onto the enemy!
By Soul-Blasting 1 “Truehearted Ruby”, you can activate Wilista’s first ability to give this vanguard a powerful +15 000 Power for the turn, while preventing the opponent from intercepting! Should you choose to Soul-Blast “Everlasting Sapphire” instead, you can call up to two unit cards from the top five cards of your deck and discard the rest, and buff those units with +5000 Power!
This card is the cornerstone of the deck, tying together the power of Truehearted Ruby and Everlasting Sapphire to gain high power and increase board advantage! While Wilista may seem simplistic, the offensive potential that it brings to the table should definitely not be ignored!
Key cards:

One of the precious jewels that Wilista holds dear, Truehearted Ruby is an essential piece of the deck! By paying 1 Counter-Blast, you can draw two cards and discard a card from your hand! Furthermore, you can put this card into your soul!
Not only does this Gem help you to cycle through your deck further for key pieces, it also supplies soul for supporting units like Unrelenting Talent, Henrietta and Mini-live After School, Katina!
This Gem allows the grade 3 Wilista to utilise her abilities in battle, so you definitely need to run 4 copies of this card to maximise the power of Wilista!

The other precious crystal, Everlasting Sapphire, is just as integral to the functioning of the deck! By playing this order, you can give one of your units +5000 Power for the turn, and put this card into soul!
Simply put, Everlasting Sapphire buffs your board and replenishes the soul! This card could be very helpful to initiate an early offensive push, as you can use Proof of Hard Work, Wilista’s ability to search this card out during your grade 2 turn!
Once again, this Gem is needed to activate Prismagica, Wilista’s abilities, so this needs to be run in the deck as a full playset.

One helpful card for the Wilista ride line is Attentive Deep Love, Ottilie. When you play “Truehearted Ruby” while your vanguard is “Prismagica, Wilista”, this unit gains +10 000 Power for the turn, and allows you to play an additional order that turn!
Using Ottilie and Truehearted Ruby together, you can strengthen this unit and also play another Gem! With so many cards that cycle through the deck, you will find that it is very easy to buff Ottilie.
One interesting play that all you could consider is hoarding a few Truehearted Ruby cards until you are ready for an offensive push, using them all to draw more cards and give Ottilie lots of Power!

Tranquil Affection, Elivira is a great card for Wilista decks! When you play an “Everlasting Sapphire” while your vanguard is “Prismagica, Wilista”, you draw a card! Essentially, Elivira allows you to retain card advantage and cycle through your deck further!
You can combine Elivira with Ottilie to use double Gem cards during your turn, while activating both cards to further dig deeper into your deck and buff your field!

One of the most integral cards to the deck is Mini-Live After School, Katina. By calling this to the field, you can Soul-Blast 1 and discard a card from your hand to add a Gem card in your drop to your hand!
The purpose of Katina is very clear: it helps to recycle used Gem cards that could have been Soul-Blasted by abilities or discarded from the deck from Prismagica, Wilista’s second ability. You can then use these Gems again to prepare for your offensive turn!

An interesting option for the deck is Unrelenting Talent, Henrietta. By boosting this rear-guard, you can Soul-Blast 1 to increase this unit’s Power by the original Shield of the boosting unit!
Henrietta can be particularly helpful when boosted by a trigger unit. Most trigger units have 15 000 Shield, so this can help to form a powerful attacking column of at least 30 000 Power!
Should you feel a bit uncomfortable calling trigger units from hand, fret not! Prismagica, Wilista’s second ability allows you to call two unit cards from the top five cards of their deck, so you can potentially call a trigger unit from those five cards to not lose defensive pieces from the hand!

Another card that you could consider is Mystic Voice, Renata. By calling this to the field, you can choose two identical Gem cards in your drop, add one of them to soul and return the other to the bottom of the deck!
Overall, Renata helps to recycle Gems that could have been Soul-Blasted by abilities. This can be particularly great to amass more soul, or to allow Wilista to use its abilities and gain free power and advantage!
Key tips:
1. Know when to push!
With Wilista, it’s important to figure out when is the most optimal time to begin pressuring the opponent. If you are careless and use your resources indiscriminately, you may end up unable to overwhelm the opponent and lose the game!
2. Resource management
As with many other decks, resources need to be used well. Even though this deck has many ways to generate soul, there are still many cards that use soul quite frequently. Therefore, it’s important that you know the game state well and determine whether or not it is a good opportunity to keep resource usage under control or let loose on the opponent.
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Feltyrosa Ride Line
Finally, let’s have a look at Feltyrosa, one of the most spooky and powerful idols in Lyrical Monasterio! This beautiful vampire works well with ghostly allies to launch a deathly barrage of attacks on the opponent!
This deck focuses mainly on using Feltyrosa’s ability to drive check Ghost rear-guards and superior call them to the field! By combining the full force of Feltyrosa’s friends, you can consistently multi-attack and maintain great advantage in the game!
Sample Deck List:
Card Name | Quantity | Grade |
Rondo of Eventide Moon, Feltyrosa | 4 (1 in ride deck) | 3 |
Talent of Enjoyment, Feltyrosa | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 2 |
Beautiful Day Off, Feltyrosa | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 1 |
Admired Dear Sister, Feltyrosa | 1 (1 in ride deck) | 0 |
Capriccio of Circulating Star, Ingrid | 4 | 3 |
Selfie Practice, Anneliese | 4 | 3 |
Stronger Yearning in the Heart, Florenzia | 2 | 3 |
Dedicated Serenade, Eleonore | 4 | 2 |
Head Groupie, Marleen | 2 | 2 |
Join Grasp, Ernesta | 4 | 1 |
Musical Committee, Nicolene (Perfect Guard) | 4 | 1 |
Little Lady, Helmina | 3 | 1 |
Glutton, Nora (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Grinning Dragon Scale, Ilse (Critical) | 4 | 0 |
Aplomb Sight, Grete (Draw) | 3 | 0 |
Languid Relaxation, Marguerite (Heal) | 4 | 0 |
Demonic Fever, Garviera (Over Trigger) | 1 | 0 |

For the Feltyrosa ride line, we start with Admired Dear Sister, Feltyrosa as the First Vanguard. Despite having the same ability as all starting vanguards, the card art shows the beauty and elegance that Feltyrosa embodies, as we will see subsequently in Feltyrosa’s rides.

Beautiful Day Off, Feltyrosa is the grade 1 ride for the ride line. Not only does this card gain +2000 Power if there is a <Ghost> on a rear-guard circle, it also allows you to Soul-Blast 1 when it is rode upon to add a <Ghost> in the drop into hand!
By calling another Ghost rear-guard to support Feltyrosa, you will be able to start pressuring the opponent immediately! It’s also worth noting that you don’t have to worry if the opponent chooses to remove that rear-guard on their turn, because you can simply retrieve it with Feltyrosa’s first ability!

The grade 2 vanguard Talent of Enjoyment, Feltyrosa serves its purpose well in the deck. Similarly to its grade 1 counterpart, Feltyrosa gains an additional +2000 Power if there is a <Ghost> on their field! Furthermore, when it is rode upon, you can reveal a <Ghost> normal unit from hand and put it on the top of your deck to add a <Ghost> in your drop to hand!
Once again, Feltyrosa will be able to continue to mount an offensive against the opponent with other Ghost rear-guards! Furthermore, Feltyrosa continues to support you by fetching Ghost cards that are in the drop! This card also sets up for the grade 3 variant of Feltyrosa by stacking important Ghost units (such as Capriccio of Circulating Star, Ingrid) that can be revealed during your drive check!

As the night descends upon Lyrical Monasterio, Rondo of Eventide Moon, Feltyrosa shines in the glimmering light! During the battle phase, when your drive check reveals a <Ghost> normal unit, you can call that card to an open front row rear-guard circle! You can also Counter-Blast 1 to give Feltyrosa an additional drive!
Feltyrosa is the main engine of the deck, allowing you to easily achieve multi-attacks without much cost. Thanks to this card, you will be able to guarantee at least 5 attacks without losing hand advantage! Imagine how much more Power your rear-guards will have when Persona Ride is active! Of course, you need to be wary of how much Counter-Blast you use for this ability over your turns.
Key cards:

One of the key cards that allows you to have strong attack sequences is Capriccio of Circulating Star, Ingrid. By calling this rear-guard other than from hand, you can Counter-Charge 1 and Stand another rear-guard in the same column!
Ingrid’s first ability is definitely meant to be used in conjunction with Feltyrosa’s ability! Not only can this card be called to the field by Feltyrosa’s ability, it can also Stand the rested rear-guard behind it to boost this unit’s attack! The Counter-Charge that it offers also helps you to better manage your resources!
In the case that Ingrid is called to the field from hand, it can still be very effective for your game plan! When it attacks, it gains +5000 Power, and after it attacked, it is put to the bottom of the deck! Not only does Ingrid serve as a decent attacker, it also helps to clear a front row rear-guard circle so that Feltyrosa can call a Ghost rear-guard to that circle by its ability! Overall, the offensive benefits that Ingrid brings to the deck is extremely invaluable!

Another key card that you must consider is Dedicated Serenade, Eleonore. When this rear-guard attacks, you may Soul-Blast 2 to give it 15 000 Power for that battle! After that battle, put Eleonore on top of your deck!
Not only does Eleonore serve as an effective attacker, it also helps the general gameplan of Feltyrosa by returning itself to the top of the deck, allowing Feltyrosa to superior call it to the field during its drive checks! Of course, you need to manage your soul usage so that you can still enable Eleonore’s ability. Luckily, there are cards like Selfie Practice, Anneliese and Hair-Braiding Aspiration, Hellwig that help you to replenish soul!

In order to make attacking columns more threatening, cards like Join Grasp, Ernesta are important to the deck! Should this rear-guard be in the back row when a <Ghost> is called during the battle phase, you may Stand this unit!
Ernesta’s potential lies in the combos with Ingrid and Eleonore. Ernesta can boost the attacks that Ingrid and Eleonore were involved in. Both rear-guards are able to remove themselves from the board after they attack, so two front row rear-guard circles are opened up at the end of their battles! Feltyrosa can then make use of this to superior call more Ghost allies from its drive checks, and Ernesta will be able to Stand again to support these rear-guards in their attacks! Despite such a simple ability, the offensive power that Ernesta provides is quite valuable.

Selfie Practice, Anneliese is an extremely helpful card for the Feltyrosa deck. After it attacks while boosted, you can put this rear-guard to the soul and give another rear-guard a nice +5000 Power buff!
Not only does Anneliese strengthen another ally, it also supplements soul for other important cards like Eleonore! Anneliese also removes itself from the board, freeing an open rear-guard circle that Feltyrosa can utilise! While it may have a lower base Power compared to conventional grade 3s in the format, the utility that Anneliese provides for Feltyrosa more than makes up for it.

One interesting card to consider is Hair-Braiding Aspiration, Hellwig. When it is called during the battle phase, you can put it into soul to draw a card!
While having such a simple ability, Hellwig serves as a great cycler for the deck and also opens up another empty rear-guard circle for Feltyrosa to continue superior calling more rear-guards! Furthermore, it fuels soul for cards like Eleonore and Sweet Tone, Kriemhild!

Another interesting option to elevate offensive pushes is Stronger Yearning in the Heart, Florenzia. When it is called to the field other than from hand, the opponent must call two or more cards from hand should they guard during the battle that it attacked!
During key turns, you can utilise Florenzia to decimate the opponent’s hand. The opponent will definitely find it difficult to endure through the barrage of attacks that Feltyrosa and its ghostly allies can mete out!
Key tips:
1. Resource management
While there are cards like Ingrid and Hellwig that help to replenish Counter-Blast and soul, it is still very easy to over-extend and use up all of your resources! As such, knowing when it is the right time to commit to an offensive push or hold back is quite important!
2. Early Game
Even though Feltyrosa can usually achieve an extremely explosive Turn 3, you will find that their deck can be weak to early offensive pushes from the opponent. This is especially more pertinent against aggressive decks such as Magnolia and Nirvana. As such, it is necessary that you guard well early into the game, while also optimising their guarding with defensive options such as Head Groupie, Marleen.
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Lyrical Monasterio has a multitude of new playstyles for you to enjoy in Standard! Lyrical Trial Deck: Ahoy! Lyrical Monasterio! releases on October 15th and D Lyrical Booster Set 01: Lyrical Melody releases on October 22nd, so don’t miss out!
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