Card List

PR cards

Elementaria Sanctitude
Elementaria Sanctitude

Blitz Order
Grade 1
[CONT]:Sentinel (You may only have up to four cards with "[CONT]:Sentinel" in a deck.)
[CONT]:You may only have one "Elementaria Sanctitude" in a deck.

If your opponent's vanguard has "Triple Drive", this ability can be played without paying the cost.
Play this with [COST][discard a card from hand] if your vanguard is grade 3 or less!
Choose one of your units, and it cannot be hit until end of that battle. Remove this card.
The spirits answered the voices yearning for tomorrow with a brilliant shield.

Found in the following Products

PR cards Card List

[Elementaria Sanctitude] is used in the follow Deck Recipes

Youthberk "Protofall Arms"
Galactic Hero, Unite Dianos
Chakrabarthi Phoenix Dragon, Nirvana Jheva
Bandmaster of Blossoming Bonds, Lianorn
Chakrabarthi Phoenix Dragon, Nirvana Jheva
Demonic Jewel Dragon, Drajeweled
Blitz CEO, Welstra
Youthberk "Skyfall Arms"
Silver Thorn Dragon Tamer, Luquier
Blue Storm Dragon, Maelstrom
Omniscience Regalia, Minerva
Peak Personage Stealth Rogue, Shojodoji
Blue Deathster, "Skyrender" Avantgarda
Diabolos, "Viamance" Bruce
Lavien Lord, Granfia
Almajestar, Astroea=Unica
Scarlet Flame Marshal Dragon, Gandeeva
Xeno Almajestar, Astroea=Bico Masques
Karmic Demonic Jewel Dragon, Drajeweled Masques
Great Sage of Heavenly Law, Solrairon
Hexaorb Sorceress, "Aquamarine"
Servitude of Funeral Procession, Lianorn Masques
Teasing Spiritualist, Zorga Masques
Holy-angel of Blessings, Alestiel
Holy Egg Festival Praxis Committee Chief, Clarissa
Sing with Me, Loronerol
Festimagica, Wilista
Abundant Life
Break Free from the Seal and Descend, O' Avatar of Thunder!
The Unwavering Sword of Justice
Armed Arms! Activate!
These Incandescent Flames Shall Give Hope to Those in Despair!
The Whirlpool of Gentle Thoughtfulness
Anarchistic Curiosity
The Looming Figure that Sneers at the Heavens
Exorcism with Foxfire
The Ice Queen of Destruction
The Sylvan Horned Beast King's Advance
Moonlight Dress
The Silver Night that Severs Causality
The Ominous Usurper of Life
Marine General of the Great Sea, Cristianos
Direful Doll Master, Androld
Blitz Gigamobile, Asturm
Fated One of Ever-changing, Krysrain
Sword Princess of Dream Blade, Lascaria Veleno
Love Call, Marlean
Cruel Beast Demonic Lord, Oselargest
Fated One of Miracles, Rezael
Salvation Wing Angel, Sarevsael
Roaring Thunder Dragon, Triumph Dragon
Fated One of Unparalleled, Varga Dragres
Fated One of Guiding Star, Welstra "Blitz Arms"
Fated One of Zero, Blangdmire
Dragconnector, Grhyaundra
Fated One of Time, Liael=Amorta
Glanzel Rotovisor
FL∀MMe-Glam, Rougia
Fated One of Taboo, Zorga Nadir
Hachisuka Kotetsu Kiwame Sentou
Kasen Kanesada Kiwame Sentou
Kashuu Kiyomitsu Kiwame Sentou
Mikazuki Munechika Kiwame
Mutsunokami Yoshiyuki Kiwame Sentou
Yamanbagiri Kunihiro Kiwame Sentou
Silver Thorn Dragon Empress, Venus Luquier
Fiery Immolation Dragon, Kotihblaze
One Who Governs Rituals, Sacrifice Glass
Aurora Star, Coral
PR♥ISM-Image, Vert
First to Head Towards a Dream! Michu
Brightest Dreamer, Lilfa
PhosphorescenceStream, Haseritt
Absolute Zero, Sagitta
Destined One of Scales, Aelquilibra
Destined One of Protection, Alden
Providence Disorder, Baromagnes
Inferno of Dust Storm, Eugene
Destined One of Time, Liael=Odium
Fated One of Miracles, Rezael
Unparalleled Drekasleif, Varga Dragres "Rakshasa"
Chronoscommand Dragon
Purgatory Great Dragon Emperor, Favrneel
Scarlet Flame Ash Dragon, Gandeeva Masques
Blue Storm Supreme Dragon, Glory Maelstrom
Dragonic Kaiser Vermillion "THE BLOOD"
Crossing Interdimensional Thoughts, Rorowa
Great Sage of Scheol, Solrairon Masques
Genesis Dragon, Trans-else Messiah
Sword Saint Knight Dragon Emperor, Gramgrace

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